Ingenious couple creates “fake lap” to comfort their clingy cat

Cats are known to be very independent creatures. They come for affection only on their time, if ever. On the other side of the coin, when they do show love, it’s poorly timed. Like when you’re trying to eat breakfast, use the bathroom, or trying to get some work done, and here comes the cat to walk on your laptop.

Reddit-bubobaby Source: Reddit-bubobaby

One couple from London, Alex and Rebecca May, actually have quite a cuddly, but a bothersome cat. It’s a good problem cause who wouldn’t want to cat that likes to cuddle? The cat’s name is Zippy, and they both love the cuddler very much. Just not when they are trying to get work done, as they both work from home.

Reddit-bubobaby Source: Reddit-bubobaby

Zippy is a rescue cat, and when she first came home with the Mays, she was quite shy, which is normal. But eventually, Zippy broke through, and the awkwardness was over. Zippy would sit in their laps, always wanting to be close to her caretakers. However, the lap-sitting obsession grew and grew and grew.

Reddit-bubobaby Source: Reddit-bubobaby

It’s not a big deal getting at that kitty-love, but it was starting to affect their work productivity.

The Mays had to do something about it. They bought a cat bed and put it close to them for the cat to lay in while they worked. The first attempted fix was a fail. I mean cat beds usually are, and it was the same for Ziggy.

Reddit-bubobaby Source: Reddit-bubobaby

Then Alex had a stroke of genius, and he decided to replicate a human lap. The Fake lap was created with a pair of pants, stuffed with a duvet cover, and a heated mat. That’s a luxurious touch with the heating pad for anyone and especially a cat.

Alex also added a pair of shoes and a pillow to represent the stomach. The brilliant plan worked!

“Alex thought that creating a decoy would be funny, but I don’t think he expected it to actually work. Harley (Ziggy’s sister) was totally uninterested, but Ziggy loved it. She needs warmth and to feel protected, we think,” said Rebecca.

Reddit-bubobaby Source: Reddit-bubobaby

Rebecca took the idea and picture to Reddit to share the invention. People loved it! Many are calling it genius.

Some also came to realize they could be replaced, like this person who commented, “This is cool, but it also makes me sad. I thought my cat loved me, but now I know I’m just a human heating pad and nothing more. I feel betrayed!”

Reddit-bubobaby Source: Reddit-bubobaby

The invention has made the internet whirl, and there looks to be a bunch of “fake laps” being made to keep people’s cats occupied. The Mays love that the stuffed legs allow them to get more work done, but Rebecca is the first to admit that having them around the house is a bit creepy.

Reddit-bubobaby Source: Reddit-bubobaby

Like if you forgot the legs were out, and you walk into the room, maybe it’s a little dark, you might jump to the ceiling thinking someone was sitting on your couch. They say they put them away when they aren’t working, and Zippy goes back to real human snuggles.

Cause nothing is better for both parties than real loving affection.

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Source: TheAnimalRescueSite, The Dodo
