Couple buys a new home and first thing dad does is build special room for his dog

There are people in this world who love their dogs, and then there are those that really love their dogs. David Maceo and his wife, María Maceo, are two such people. The apple of their eye? A sweet senior dog named Hennessy.

When it comes to being spoiled by your humans, this little dog knows all about it!

The Dodo/David Maceo Source: The Dodo/David Maceo

Hennessy is living in the lap of luxury after his dad built him a cozy little bedroom that’s all his own. Some people have even noted that it’s roomier than most studios, and nicer too.

Though livin’ large in his chill new pad nowadays, the little dog didn’t always know the doggy penthouse lifestyle.

Hennessy came to David when his brother-in-law moved to Columbia. He asked David to take the dog because he has a heart condition and he worried what a trip like that might do to the pup.

At the time, David and his wife were living with his mother to save up money for their own house. Hennessy had to stay with his humans in a small bedroom, and David could tell that the poor guy could use a little more room. Then the day finally came when the Tampa, Florida couple bought their first home.

Everything about their new abode was perfect except for one thing. Hennessy needed his very own dog room.

The Dodo/David Maceo Source: The Dodo/David Maceo

I don’t have kids, so I have to spoil someone other than my wife. He means everything,” the 24-year-old dog dad said in an interview with ABC News.

And spoil the little dog he did!

David thoroughly went through his house looking for the perfect space to build Hennessy his dream-room. After some serious consideration, David decided to start poking around beneath the stairwell… literally.

I had a little camera, and I stuck it in there to see if there was enough space for him. I ended up breaking a little hole in the wall, and it went on from there,” David recalled in an interview with The Dodo.

Twitter/Al_Chris16 Source: Twitter/Al_Chris16

After poking around, David was delighted to see that the cavity beneath the stairs was the perfect size for his little French Bulldog! With that realization, the doting dog dad got to work on a full-on “renovation” to the space beneath the stairs.

David even devoted his only day off every week to hand-crafting the perfect chill-space for his dog.

I worked on it every Sunday, since that’s my only day off,” he tells The Dodo.

Twitter/Al_Chris16 Source: Twitter/Al_Chris16

After completely gutting the space beneath the stairs, David threw himself into the finish work.

Twitter/Al_Chris16 Source: Twitter/Al_Chris16

After extending his hardwood floors into the nook he created for Hennessy’s room, David walled it in with drywall, added the trim, and got ready to paint it. Of course, no room would be complete without some pictures of your closest loved ones hanging on the walls.

So, Hennessy’s dad added some photos for him to look at.

There are pictures of him and his brother; he passed a year ago. On the other side, there’s a picture of him and a picture of me and my wife. There’s another picture of my father and mother,” David told The Dodo.

The Dodo/David Maceo Source: The Dodo/David Maceo

After three sacrificed days off and roughly 16 hours of skilled labor, Hennessy’s bedroom was finally complete.

Now that it was time to present his finished masterpiece to his precious pup, David even began to feel a bit nervous. Of course, he never had anything to worry about.

Twitter/Al_Chris16 Source: Twitter/Al_Chris16

I grabbed a little snack and threw it in there for him. He walked in, ate it, and then laid down. He didn’t move from there for about 25 minutes,” David remembers Hennessy’s first hangout sesh in his new digs.

Now that Hennessy has his own room, the senior bulldog goes there to get all of his R&R.

The Dodo/David Maceo Source: The Dodo/David Maceo

He loves it! He feels protected under the stairs. He finds it very comforting. It’s the perfect place for him,” David explains.

Though it was a lot of hard work on his part, David feels it’s the least he can do fur the furry little pal that brings him so much joy each day.

He’s the best dog. He’s like a son to me,” David says.

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Source: The Dodo/Twitter@Al_Chris16/ABCNews
