Couple relocates family and 46 rescue dogs to 4-acre “paradise” where they can roam free

Some people feel that their purpose in life is to help others, both humans and animals. These individuals are devoted to serving others, and they sometimes don’t think twice about changing their lives around if necessary. Dog rescuers Mark and Sharon Starmer are shining examples of people who make a difference in our world.

The Starmers receive an ultimatum

Instagram/somedogsareangels Source: Instagram/somedogsareangels

In 2004, the Starmers took in their first rescue dog. One thing led to another, and before they knew it they had 45 rescue dogs, as well as one gray wolf, living with them at their home in Alberta, Canada. That was when they received an ultimatum from Alberta authorities: Get rid of your dogs or move somewhere else.

The Piece of Heaven Sanctuary

Instagram/somedogsareangels Source: Instagram/somedogsareangels

The Starmers loved their dogs. Of course, they weren’t going to get rid of them! So they were left with only one choice: They had to move. But where? That was when the Starmers had an idea. Why not make a large animal sanctuary for the dogs, and other animals, they had rescued that would allow the dogs to run around and heal? A place where they could run to their heart’s content without having to worry about disturbing others.

Instagram/somedogsareangels Source: Instagram/somedogsareangels

The Starmers bought a 4-acre property in British Columbia. It was there that they built a massive enclosure that would give their beloved dogs, 68 as of 2019, all of the room they needed. The area is fenced in so that the dogs cannot get out, and it is in the middle of a picturesque forest setting far from neighbors.

‘Some Dogs Are Angels’

Instagram/somedogsareangels Source: Instagram/somedogsareangels

But where did this love of dogs come from? It all started in 2002 when Mark Starmer received a calling. It was then that he said that he discovered that he could talk to angels. Even more incredible was when Mark discovered that sometimes angels take the form of dogs. It was this belief that led Mark to write the book “Some Dogs Are Angels” and establish a rescue organization of the same name.

Instagram/somedogsareangels Source: Instagram/somedogsareangels

Together, Mark and his wife, Sharon, feel that they have been called to acquaint others with the reality of the existence of these angels in canine form and to assist these angels in any way possible. Sharon, who is a medical intuitive and energy healer, works with Mark to seek out dogs all over North America that they feel they have been guided to help.

Free to run, play, and heal

Instagram/somedogsareangels Source: Instagram/somedogsareangels

Regardless of the reasoning behind their dog sanctuary, the fact remains that now these pups have the freedom to roam and live their lives as all dogs should. For more on Mark and Sharon, and their mission, you can visit this Website, or Angels in Canada and Some Dogs are Angels on Facebook. You can also visit Mark’s Instagram page for more photos of his and Sharon’s dogs.

Whether you believe Mark or not, you have to admit that both he and his wife have a deep love for animals. If only more people were like this in the world. Here is a video of the dogs running happily in their 4-acre pen.

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Source: Mark Starmer
