Couple retire at 50 to ditch mortgage payments for more affordable life on cruise ships

Retirement brings with it many considerations.

With age comes retirement which speaks volumes when it comes to stability.

It is simply because retiring means not having a consistent flow of money that helps you get through every single day.

Through the days, weeks, months, and years, those who are already retired might find difficulties providing for their necessities like buying food and having enough to pay monthly-recurring bills.

Pexels - Karolina Grabowska Source: Pexels - Karolina Grabowska

Lucky are those who managed to invest in their own property before even retiring, however, that’s not the case for everyone.

That’s why this couple came up with a cleverly practical idea.

They have a real love of travel.

YouTube Screenshot - The Young Turks Source: YouTube Screenshot - The Young Turks

Seattle, Washington couple, Angelyn and Richard Burk, both in their 50s, planned on retiring early in 2021.

They both wished to live life the way they want it to be – with no worries and fears.

To make their plan work, they sold their lovely home and had their savings combined.

The were embarking on a journey.

Pexels - Pavel Danilyuk Source: Pexels - Pavel Danilyuk

Isn’t that right? Retirement shouldn’t be lived with pain and stress but with so much freedom instead.

After all, the couple admitted they love to travel.

“Our original plan was to stay in different countries for a month at a time and eventually retire to cruise ships as we got older,” Angelyn told 7 News Australia. “We love to travel and we were searching for a way to continuously travel in our retirement that made financial sense.”

Is staying on a cruise ship more affordable than paying a mortgage?

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Surprisingly, the answer is yes.

According to FOX 56 WOLF, being on a cruise ship only cost about $43 a day, that’s $15,696 a year.

While CNN reported that number at between $89 to $100 per day. Of course, their expenditure does not just end there.

According to Angelyn, on top of their cruise ship expenses, they still have the freedom to spend a little extra of up to $135 a day – that’s a total of $49,275 a year.

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“Currently, this year, we have secured 86 cruise days with an average all-in cost of $89/day for both of us,” Angelyn told CNN last year via email. “Which includes room, food, entertainment, transportation, gratuity, port fees, and taxes. This is well within our retirement budget.”

Angelyn and Richard don’t look like they still have plans of living on land.

There were only rare occasions when the couple did spend their time on land, only when their cruise timelines were not aligned with each other.

But whenever they’re on land, they’d usually hang out with their friends and family.

They’re living the life.

The retired Seattle, Washington couple plans to cruise every part of the world.

So far, Angelyn and Richard have been to Singapore, Italy, Canada, Iceland, and the Bahamas… sometimes more than once.

“We have been frugal all our lives to save and invest in order to achieve our goal,” Angelyn said. “We are not into materialistic things but experiences.”

Pexels - Karolina Grabowska Source: Pexels - Karolina Grabowska

She also added that it only takes good planning and budgeting for someone who would really want to be from one cruise ship to another and see every part of the world.

Learn how the Burks pulled off their dream retirement in the video below!

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Source: Shareably – Home Hacks, YouTube – The Young Turks
