Crane operator makes a deal with senior man in wheelchair who watches him work every day

Sometimes, the best friendships are the most unexpected ones, and that is certainly the case here. Shawn Beveridge is a passionate crane operator from Ohio and just loves hanging around construction sites. Even though he doesn’t have much experience on the job just yet, his love for his work is undeniable.

Shawn Beveridge Source: Shawn Beveridge

Every day when Shawn showed up to work, he spotted a senior man in a wheelchair nearby.

He noticed that the elderly man always watched him operate the cranes, sometimes even for entire days. He resides at a nursing home, and since the construction site that Shawn was working on was in the same street, these two men crossed paths more than once.

Shawn Beveridge Source: Shawn Beveridge

Shawn was curious and decided to approach the man one day to ask him why he was always keeping a close eye on him.

“Since day one when I arrived on this job site I’ve noticed him sitting there every morning from 7 a.m., he takes lunch when we do and doesn’t leave until I shut the crane down and head out,” the man told on his social media profiles. “I originally had thought to myself, ‘He’s just a curious old man and wanting to enjoy his days outside vs being cooped up in his room.’ Well after a couple days, I myself got curious, so I walked over and introduced myself to him.”

Shawn Beveridge Source: Shawn Beveridge

Their first meeting was incredibly sweet and lasted for no less than three hours. It turns out that the reason that the elderly man – named Harold – was watching all the time, is because the man has always been very passionate about cranes as well.

Harold is a former crane operator and his done this job for most of his life, but he had to stop because of his health.

Being around cranes made Harold happy, but he simply wasn’t allowed to do the job anymore due to medical reasons. The man told Shawn that he had been suffering from an undisclosed disease which caused his heart valves to clog.

Doctors told him that he didn’t have much time left.

Harold gets zero visitors in the nursing home, even though he has three children.

The poor man hasn’t seen his own kids in over seven years. His life in the nursing home hasn’t exactly been very happy, to say the least.

Shawn Beveridge Source: Shawn Beveridge

However, when he noticed the construction site with the cranes, Harold was smiling again.

“He said he enjoys seeing what he use to love to do for a living and never thought he’d ever be able to see or be around a crane again. Let alone be so close to see one in action,” Shawn added.

Shawn saw a lonely and unhappy man, but he had a great idea to lift his spirits and decided to make him a deal.

Shawn promised him that after every shift, he would come and pass by and talk with Harold about his day. The two talk about all kinds of things – but they usually can’t help themselves to talk about cranes and construction every single day. Shawn also greatly appreciates any and all advice that Harold can give him since he’s been around the machines for decades and Shawn is still learning.

Shawn Beveridge Source: Shawn Beveridge

“He didn’t skip a beat before ABSOLUTELY! came out of his mouth. I guess I’m writing this post because if I would have never walked over to him I would have never gotten to know him. I’m thankful to have the opportunity to make this man’s last days enjoyable. Filled with purpose and to be able to help him smile again.”

Whenever Shawn grabs a coffee, he makes sure to get an extra cup for Harold. They also have lunch multiple times a week and the kind man even lets Harold choose where they have their meal.

What an absolutely amazing, warm and kindhearted man!

Shawn Beveridge Source: Shawn Beveridge

Shawn posted his story on Facebook where it has gone viral. He hopes that others will follow in his footsteps and be kind to everyone, even a complete stranger.

“When God chooses to take this man home I’m happy knowing that I’ve been placed here at this location to make his days better. I’m happy with that,” he said.

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Source: Shawn Beveridge
