Cranky baby instantly changes as soon as she sees her daddy

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!
When do babies recognize their parents? This newborn seems to recognize her father’s face already.
Little baby Mickey had been sleeping for hours. Her father, who was new to fatherhood, watched over her, keen to see how she reacted when she finally came out of her dream.

Mickey was only a couple of months old at the time. Still, her dad was amazed at how fast she was growing and developing. It had seemed like she could tell her parents apart from other people. So her dad wanted to see if she recognized him the second she woke up.
The baby then started stirring awake. Her arms flailed about, and she stretched.

The baby’s pacifier then fell away from her mouth. Mickey’s dad realized that she would finally be awake in moments.
Next, Mickey began to rub her eyes. Her face scrunched up. Clearly, she was about to cry for her parents to come look after her.

Then she let out a soft sob. Her eyes opened, and she noticed someone was watching over her.
Mickey looked at her dad. Then she calmed down, seemingly reassured by his presence.

“Hi, there,” the dad said. Then Mickey reached out an arm for her dad.
The dad told the baby that he loved her, and Mickey gave a big gummy smile.

After a little more eye rubbing, baby Mickey kept on smiling up at her dad. Clearly, there wasn’t going to be any crying any time soon.
Luckily, Mickey’s dad was filming this heartwarming moment. He then uploaded it to YouTube, where it soon made many people happy.
To date, the video has gained over 174,000 views. It also has more than 1,900 likes and dozens of comments. People have been saying things like this:

Months later, Mickey’s dad uploaded another video of the baby.
Mickey had done a lot of growing up. She now had a lot more hair. She was also sitting up on her own.
In the video, the baby held onto her dad’s phone and talked to it, just like her dad always did.
Of course, Mickey was far too young to know any words, so she just babbled away.
This second video was almost as adorable as the first one. Clearly, Mickey is a very special baby.
So could Mickey recognize her dad in that first video, or was her happiness at waking up just a coincidence?
According to the pediatrician Dr. Hemendra Gupta, babies almost always recognize their mothers first.

But it’s debatable as to when babies recognize their parents from other people. Some believe that babies know their mothers from birth.
The Dr. also says that some believe that a developing baby can recognize the sound of their father’s voice from within the womb.

He also states that babies learn to distinguish both parents’ faces by the time they are a few weeks old.
Lastly, the Dr. says that babies take a couple of months to a year to recognize the faces of other family members and close family friends.
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Source: freetownbrown74, Firstcry Parenting