Museums are competing over who has the creepiest exhibit items – here are 12 of the best ones

There have been a ton of challenges coming up since people around the world have been asked to self-quarantine. While many ask individuals to get in on the fun, some are merely for our own entertainment.
For example, the Yorkshire Museum in England has launched a hashtag series to get other curators involved in fun “battles.” The project is titled #curatorbattles and the weekly challenges require other museums to showcase any objects that they have that relate to that week’s theme.
Recently, they were asked to share their most sinister possessions. This is what the Yorkshire Museum shared to start things off:

Let’s see what the other museums have to offer!
1) Taxidermy gone wrong?

Something seems a bit… off with this project. Somewhere along the way, some things might have gone wrong. Apparently, this is supposed to be a mermaid. Have we been misinformed all this time?
2) Towel, anyone?

Who wouldn’t want to be served a towel by this unique towel holder? This is kinda neat but also pretty creepy.
3) Game of cards

Apparently, someone thought that crab legs and claws would make for great (weird) art. Perhaps they were onto something… a user commented that they would 100% watch this show if it were turned into an animated television series.
4) Plague Mask

Get a load of this creepy plague mask. Imagine, instead of wearing the modest face masks we have today, we had to wear these whenever we stepped outside. Things are bad but they could definitely be worse.
5) Pendant for your thoughts?

This pendant is, er, unique. It’s believed that the pendant came from a rosary from Southern Germany. Things got pretty dark back in the 16th century.
6) Pincushion?

Who would have thought that something so innocent could be turned into something so creepy?
7) Diving suit

I don’t know about you but I couldn’t imagine diving in this thing. From the looks of it, you’d sink right to the bottom. But does it remind anyone of a minion?
8) Annabelle…

Annabelle? Is that you? To be honest, we don’t want to know. Dolls have always been one of those toys that sometimes makes you wonder who thought it would be a good idea to label them child-appropriate?
9) Public humiliation?

Yikes! This is one way to keep people in line — make them wear this mask out in public whenever they break the law. With cameras nowadays, they’ll never live it down.
10) The drinking bear

If you ever wanted to have your soul “stared into,” apparently this bear would be happy to oblige. For money, of course.
11) Kids costumes

This list is telling me where a lot of horror movies are getting their ideas from. Clearly, these outfits are something we have all seen in horror films and television shows. So, if you’re in need of some ideas for a horror flick, visit a museum.
12) Tirpitz

Well, after all of the things that she survived, she was still eaten in the end. At least the money went toward a good cause. She was a hero, even in death.
That’s all, folks! Try and get some sleep tonight…
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Sources: Bored Panda, Twitter