30 Really Creep Rooms And Passages Found In People’s Homes

Finding secret rooms and passages in your home can be a thrilling experience. Imagine finding a hidden room or a tunnel that leads to another part of your home or even another house. Cool, right?

Unfortunately, not all secret rooms and passages have awesome stories. Some of them carry dark and sad tales.

Read on as we share 30 of the most chilling rooms, secrets, and passages that have been found in people’s homes.

The Note

Jason and Kerri Brown bought a house in 2005. When they were starting with the renovations, they found a secret passageway just behind a bookcase.

To their surprise, they found a note inside!

It was from the previous owner of the house and he was explaining how a mold problem made them leave the house. So, heeding the warning, the couple packed their things, left the house, and sued the broker.

YouTube/ TheRichest Source: YouTube/ TheRichest

The Holes In The Stairs

A couple was house hunting when they made a surprising discovery in one of the houses they were in. Behind the basement stairs, they found holes that allowed one to look out for whoever is coming. Another theory suggested that the space could have been used for kids when they get too worked up or if they get in trouble.

News.com Source: News.com

The Hidden Tapes

A Redditor user called Lmbrjack shared a photo showing a crawlspace he was able to find in his attic. The room was soundproofed and had 4 electric outlets. There was a briefcase filled with jewelry items and lots of VHS tapes. One of them had really creepy writing that said “No, no, no, no, no. no”.

Scribol Source: Scribol

The Shower Room

One construction worker was doing some plumbing work for his client on a condo. As he was completing his project, he discovered a secret room that led him straight to a separate and secret office. There, he found a one-way mirror that points straight to the guest shower.

Unsplash Source: Unsplash

The Room Upstairs

One night, a man was taken to an empty room by a drunk college girl. It had two bunk beds and above one of them was a secret door which led to a secret room upstairs. It’s where hazing is done most of the time.

Based on the story, a girl was gang-raped by a few frat boys. Then, they left her there and eventually, she froze to death. Some nights, people could hear someone crying from that room.

YouTube Source: YouTube

The Secret Room

A group of Norwegian students decided to rent a house. At the place, the landlord told them about the rumors of a secret room in the area but it was never found.

The students got a bit more curious and went looking around. In the attic, they found a small living space where what looked like Nazi-oppressed families tried to hide. Inside the room was a map of Britain with marks indication safe locations.

Imgur Source: Imgur

The Old Chapel

In their farmhouse in Shropshire, England, a couple found this metal grid in their hallway. Curious to know what’s on the other side, they climbed down and to their surprise, they found a really old chapel. It has a wooden cross and wooden pew.

The story was that the chapel served as a hiding place for people who wanted to practice the religion despite being illegal.

Daily Mail Source: Daily Mail

The Unwanted Roommate

A couple of students thought that the door in the back of their house’s cupboard directs to a maintenance room. However, it turns out that they were wrong.

In one particular night, they heard noises and discovered that the cupboard door was open. To their surprise, they found a basement they weren’t aware of. In it were textbooks, a bed, and a person’s belongings. It turns out that the students had a student squatter in their place.

The Chive Source: The Chive

The Missing Books

In France’s Alsace region, there’s this a thousand-year-old abbey. Back in 2000, they started to realize that some of their books were missing. Despite locking the doors and posting guards to secure the area, there were still things that went missing.

Then, they discovered a series of rooms and a secret entrance. There was a young professor who was sneaking in at night to borrow the books.

Ancient Origins Source: Ancient Origins

The Cold War Shelter

When the Placer High School in Northern California were being renovated, the workers found this secret room. It as really barricaded over. Inside it was water, food, medical kits, and even radiation suits. It was a Cold War shelter that was supposed to be hidden.

Huffpost Source: Huffpost

The Apartment In Paris

Back in 2010, an old woman passed away. After her death, her executor found paperwork revealing that she has a property in Paris. When he went there, he found an untouched room for about 70 years.

After checking the room, he discovered that the woman might have fled Paris before WWII started and never returned to her apartment. Inside the room, countless treasures were found, including a $3.4-million painting.

Twisted Sifter Source: Twisted Sifter

The Vintage Soda Shop

A shop has been feared in Lancashire because it was abandoned for a really long time. When police went inside, they found that a lot of the original items were still in place. Magazines, cigarette ads, and ice cream spoons that are over 40 years old were still intact.

BBC Source: BBC

The Room In The Old Farmhouse

One Reddit user has some friends who bout an old farmhouse. In it, they found a secret door in of its closets.

The room was just a couple of feet tall so you’d have to crawl through just to go inside it. However, inside the room was a bed. It was so big that there’s no way it could have been put there after the room was built. The theory was that the bed was there even before the construction of the room began.

Unsplash Source: Unsplash

The Victorian Kitchen

A man took over his father’s mansion. There, he came across something really strange. Behind a wall was an old war bunker which came with a kitchen. Judging by its look, the kitchen was not less than 100 years old and it had tons of cooking equipment, supplies, and even cookbooks.

Metro Source: Metro

Underneath the Floorboards

A student decided to move into a house his parents bought for him in New Mexico. Everything was fine until he heard noised from underneath his floorboards. When he decided to investigate, he found this door beneath the pantry’s floor. It was an entrance to a hidden room where there were working lights and a desk. There was even a recently smoked cigarette.

Unsplash Source: Unsplash

The Dungeon

A Reddit user moved into a nice apartment. However, as he was checking the place out, he found a secret entrance underneath the floorboards. His first idea was to make the area as his storage place. He changed his mind after finding that it was actually a dreary dungeon. There was graffiti on the wall and a recently dug up dirt hole.

Imgur Source: Imgur

The Scam

A man named John Darwin and his wife thought of a really elaborate scam. The bought a house and an apartment which is literally just next door. In that apartment, John built a secret passageway connecting the apartment to his wife’s closet. Then, he suddenly vanished and was declared dead. Eventually, his wife filed insurance claims.

The truth, however, was that John was just living next door. He would sneak into his wife’s closet to spend time with her. Eventually, they were caught and sent to prison.

Unsplash Source: Unsplash

The Murder Castle

The Murder Castle is filled with really creepy and bizarre rooms. It’s designed by H.H. Holmes who is considered as a notorious serial killer. The castle has trapdoors, winding passages, and dungeons where he would keep his victims.

History Source: History

WWI Trench

It was during 2010 that French engineers stumbled upon an old German trench when they were planning on building a road. It has really elaborate setup of floors, walls, wine bottles, and even phone lines. There were even remains of a goat which was likely used for milk supply.

Spiegel Source: Spiegel

The Mystery House

Sarah Winchester was the heiress to her family’s company. Thinking that she was haunted by all of her company firearms’ victims, she took extreme measures to avoid their ghosts. She would sleep in different beds each night.

A medium told her that if she stopped constructing and building her home, she’d eventually be killed by those ghosts. With that, she continued a never-ending construction in her home. She ad stairs, hidden rooms, and passageways built- most of them are still not found to date.

Atlast Obscura Source: Atlast Obscura

A Lovers’ Secret Room

A colonial house was built by Jonathan Hunt to serve as a secret room where he could hide from attacks from Native Americans. However, legend says that the room also served as a secret room for Hunt’s granddaughter and her lover.

Smith Source: Smith

Behind the Mirror

A Reddit user revealed that the house they were living in when he was younger had this secret room. It was located behind a mirror. When the family checked the room, they found a huge blood stain on the floor.

Unsplash Source: Unsplash

The Singer Castle

This castle isn’t like your average castles that are full of hidden rooms and passageways. It actually has more secrets.

The castle has a painting which you can tip back so you can spy on people. It even has spying grates on its walls.

Unsplash Source: Unsplash

A Room Full of Ammunition

One man was surprised to find a room concealed within the foundations of his home. Inside it, he found ammunition and empty gun cases. There was even a grenade.

Unsplash Source: Unsplash

The Staircase

One Imgur user shared his experience when he discovered a secret passageway at the back of a bookshelf in his home. When they checked it, the found the passageway leading to a spiral staircase and a room. Inside it, they found creepy dolls, a blanket, and some food wrappers.

Unsplash Source: Unsplash


A Turkish man renovating his basement. When he tore down its walls, he was surprised to find a network of tunnels. The theory was that the tunnels were part of an underground city where more than 20,000 people hid.

Unsplash Source: Unsplash

Plumbing Issues

A Pennsylvanian woman found herself dealing with plumbing issues in the house her parents left her. With that, she needed to dig in her basement. And as it turns out, her basement had a lower level that was part of an underground railroad.

Unsplash Source: Unsplash

Dungeon in the Basement

A family in Australia often wondered why a certain spot in their floor didn’t look the same as everywhere else in their house. Curious, they went ahead and removed its carpet. There, they discovered a hidden door that leads to an area in the basement. It appeared very dungeon-like.

Unsplash Source: Unsplash

The Hidden Prison Cell

Cristhian Perez works as a home inspector in Florida. In one of his inspections, he found a hidden room where a small bed, a city map, and a couple of empty food cans were kept. No one knows what the room was utilized for- not even its owners.

Reader's Digest Source: Reader's Digest

The Wall

Amber Moore has always been fascinated with historic homes. So, when she lived in a 1920s home, she was ecstatic. However, when her daughter was playing one day, a wall on the closet’s wall moved right after they placed their feet on it. Amber took a closer look and found that the door was used as a hideout during Prohibition.

Unsplash Source: Unsplash

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Source: Reader’s Digest
