You can give your cat a tiny crochet couch with its own granny square blanket – here's how

We universally love cats. It’s always said that dogs are man’s best friend, but doesn’t it feel like more of your friends are cat people?

Blame it on introverts being common or cats being easier to manage, but cat people seem to make up most of the population

If you don’t believe us, spend a small part of your day on the internet and see just how much cats dominate memes and social media posts. Seems like it’s hard to deny that everyone is a little bit of a cat person deep down inside.

Even more so, it’s hard to deny that cats love resting on every available surface. It’s cute, but it definitely gets annoying after a while.

You could buy a pet bed, but where’s the fun in that? How about crocheting a tiny couch for your cat instead?

Of course, learning to crochet might be tricky at first. But it’s rewarding, a fun new skill to learn, and we’re sure most of you can’t resist the idea of being extra and crocheting an entire couch just for your cat.

Reddit Source: Reddit

With this crochet pattern, people are having a field day making miniaturized couches for their feline friends. The designs they come up with are nearly as cute as the cats themselves!

Some of the “models” weren’t too keen on having their photos taken, as you can see

You can find the pattern for these teeny cat couches yourself here.

Knowing how indecisive cats are with resting spots, we’re not really sure if making one of these will guarantee that your cat will leave your couch alone. But still, they’re cute!

We don’t doubt that your cat would probably be content with just a cardboard box. These mini-couches really are a project for those willing to go a bit further.

Also, maybe you’re bored in quarantine and need something to do

Reddit Source: Reddit

Or you could make these for a friend’s cat if not yourself. They’ll probably appreciate it a lot!

Be aware though that these tiny couches need some solid foam on the inside before you wrap them in the crochet lining, obviously. They’re not going to hold their shape on their own.

The art of crocheting a couch for your cat is in fact, not new. The guidebook that we linked earlier is from 1998! So why is this suddenly becoming a trend on social media? We can only blame quarantine boredom. May as well learn to make a kitty couch while you’re indoors, right?

The best part is that you can customize it depending on the size and needs of your cat!

Reddit Source: Reddit

Also, why reserve this just for cats? There’s nothing stopping you from making one for your dog, rabbit or bird. People are picking up tons of weird new skills while quarantining at home, and this one is hands-down one of the most adorable and creative.

Those crochet skills might come in handy for other stuff too

You can start out learning to do kitty couches, and before you know it, you might be making sweaters and shirts for people. Unless you don’t want to become that one relative who gives everyone crochet sweaters for Christmas, which is understandable.

However, best not underestimate how much your cat wants their own comfy spot to rest on. Wouldn’t you love to go full crazy-cat-lady and fashion your own fancy kitty couch from scratch? Of course you do.

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Source: [TotallyTheBomb, anniescatalog]
