Crowd smashes the truck windows of a highway driver slumped over in his seat

In another textbook example of “context matters,” a group of strangers on this highway saved a man’s life. The method, though, was pretty messy and destructive – so much that it gave some folks the wrong idea.

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Wheeling down the Georgia interstate was a large pickup truck. This was no irresponsible driver, though.

Folks had seen the truck freewheeling down the interstate a few blocks away. The driver was slumped over the steering wheel, showing no signs of movement or responsiveness.

Anyone could figure it out: something had happened to the driver.

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The runaway GMC Sierra was now 2.3 tons of steel and aluminum hurtling down the interstate.

If it collided with anything, it wouldn’t end well for the driver or whatever the truck would hit. These are, after all, notoriously big and heavy pickup trucks.

But there was no other vehicle to use as a stopper. Those truck-stopping ramps aren’t anywhere nearby either. The only option was to try and save the driver via extraction.

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As the Sierra kept going along the interstate, multiple people tried to run alongside and wave at the driver.

Nothing could get his attention; he was completely unresponsive.

Everyone knew they had to act fast.

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After a few minutes, bystander after bystander came along trying to break the windows.

Sledgehammers, baby strollers – anything they could get their hands on – and none of it was working. GMC makes their windows extra strong to prevent break-ins.

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Filming the whole scene (while also participating in the rescue attempt) was Juordin Carter.

The truck had come to a stop, thankfully. Still, a medical emergency was going on inside there.

As is obvious from the video, it looks almost like a bunch of angry pedestrians assaulting a driver. At least, to anyone who didn’t see the events prior. Though Carter, along with pastor Qua Tucker (who was just on the way home from Church) and stranger Jelani Campbell, had no concern about what other people may think.

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When someone’s life is on the line, there’s little else to worry about.

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Breaking the side windows didn’t work, nor did signaling to the driver from outside.

As things got desperate, Jelani Campbell hopped into the back of the pickup and successfully broke the rear window with a sledgehammer. They pulled the driver out and used his phone to call an ambulance.

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What a scene it was, and no one present would forget it.

Tucker, Carter and Campbell all expressed their satisfaction with how everyone cooperated. The driver was going to be okay thanks to those three and the other bystanders who helped.

Though some people did see the video without context and concluded the worst.

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But the saviors who jumped in to help this driver don’t need to prove anything. All that matters is that the driver is alive, and they helped. Not many people can say that.

Watch the video below!

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Source: Inside Edition on YouTube, Independent co UK
