Curious cats take turns exploring 'indoor sinkhole'

If you love cats then you are an ailurophile • \eye-LOOR-uh-fyle\ • noun. : a cat fancier : a lover of cats.

Which means that you’ll love this one. As a cat owner, watching our four-legged furry friends can be as entertaining as spending hours on Netflix. Cats deliver huge laughs with their antics.

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So can these cats figure out the optical illusion?

That’s a very cool playmat. Blow it up to ten times its normal size, put it in a bar and have a few good laughs. Except cats don’t drink. They have amazing eyes, sure, but they can’t really make out optical illusions like us hoomans.

Can they?

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The cat on the right certainly was curious, immediately sniffing the mat and eventually getting his paws on it. His buddy on the left seems a bit more hesitant though.

Curiosity could kill a cat.

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Looks like the darker furred cat finally found the courage to try out the mat. It’s always best to try out the scary stuff with a much braver friend. They’ve got 18 lives between them anyway.

A viewer named JenGen commented,

“They seem very drawn to the colors and curious about the “hole”, as one of them pays at it. They definitely aren’t scared of it! Not sure if this is an actual cat toy, but it definitely should be!”

Good analysis!

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These cats may have a fondness for pouncing on feet and feathery toys as that may be rooted in their hunting instinct, but it also has a lot to do with their unique vision as well.

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Live Science has this to say,

“Cats have a wider field of view — about 200 degrees, compared with humans’ 180-degree view. Cats also have a greater range of peripheral vision, all the better to spot that mouse (or toy) wriggling in the corner. Cats are crepuscular, meaning they are active at dawn and dusk. That may be why they need such good night vision. Their eyes have six to eight times more rod cells, which are more sensitive to low light, than humans do.”

So maybe they aren’t as easily fooled as we thought!

Scientists and pet owners have carried out their own experiments with their feline friends and the results are the same. After a few inquisitive sniffs and pokes, cats will take up the space of the supposed optical illusion.

“If I fits, I sits.”

What’s even more hilarious is that these two cats eventually turned the space into their own wrestling mat. One quick swipe and it’s on!

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It’s an adorable match. Like they could care less about the mat’s print all because they wanted to play on it. One cat even gets up on a ledge to jump down on to the mat. Kitty knew he wasn’t going in.

“I love how they end up sitting on it like it’s their new home, and they fight each other for it 😂”

Observed a viewer named Jasmine.

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Cats. They may have been magical creatures that were honored in ancient Egypt, but to us, they’re just goofballs that are too darn cute. No wonder these animals can make a bad day so much better.

Watch these cats figure out their new mat!

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Source: Live Science, BPS
