Curious puppy earns 33M views with hilarious approach to meeting litter of newborn kittens

Some dog breeds get along very well with other animals such as cats. Golden Retrievers are a very loving breed and are great with kids as well as other pets. The Golden Retriever puppy from this video happens to be particularly gentle.

A video features a “sea of kittens” spread out on a bed.

It’s a sight many people would find adorable but if you’re a little puppy just trying to figure out the world, it is something you would want to investigate.

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A bed full of kittens is discovered by a little puppy.

Wouldn’t you just want to take a nice long nap in a bed filled with kittens? Well, if you are a puppy you’d want to know just exactly what is going on before doing so.

The video begins with the cats all spread out on the bed. Some are sniffing around and others are napping or playing.

The curious little Golden Retriever puppy then perks their little head up on the bed and leans in to get a sense of just what is going on.

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What are these moving floof balls all over the bed?

Although the puppy is not sure what they are witnessing, they are gentle with them nonetheless. The puppy is not scared, they do not feel threatened, they just want to know what all these little things are.

The puppy just puts their front paws and head on the bed with their hind legs on the floor. The bed is for the kittens and the puppy seems to understand and respect this.

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Golden Retrievers love to please their family.

One thing about Golden Retrievers is that they are very loyal to their pack, i.e their family.

If this little puppy recognized that the rest of their family were being gentle with these kittens, then they should act the same way.

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“Goldens are outgoing, trustworthy, and eager-to-please family dogs, and relatively easy to train. They take a joyous and playful approach to life and maintain this puppyish behavior into adulthood,” reads a description of the breed from the American Kennel Club.

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Mother cat not worried about puppy around her kittens.

Mother cats can be very protective of their litters, but this one knows there is nothing to fear from the little puppy. While the dog is small, they are still much larger than her kittens.

Still, she knows they offer no threat whatsoever.

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The kittens are most likely British Shorthair cats.

This breed of cat is native to England and has been around a long time. They are one of the most identifiable cat breeds in the world.

When they grow bigger, they’ll have big and round cheeks as well as shiny coats.

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Video goes viral online.

The video was posted to YouTube by ViralPaws and promptly went viral. As of this writing, it has been viewed more than 33 million times.

People just can’t get enough of these precious animals. Many viewers have left comments on the video as well.

YouTube - Viral Paws Source: YouTube - Viral Paws

The gentle and curious look of the Golden Retriever is impressive. Kitten is also cute,” wrote one viewer.

“Well if I’m having a bad day, I know what to watch to help myself feel better,” wrote another.

Watch this adorable video below.

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Source: Viral Paws/American Kennel Club
