10 photos proving German shepherds are some of the cutest dogs

Playful and full of energy, German shepherds are also known for their cuteness. It is almost as if they can’t help themselves, they are just so cute.

German shepherds always find a way to brighten our day. Here are 10 photos of German shepherds that show just how cute they are.

1. Sad puppy

Instagram/zarthepuppy Source: Instagram/zarthepuppy

This German shepherd seems so sad in this adorable photo. And even though it might make you want to cry; at the same time, it is cute as a button. This puppy gives new meaning to the term puppy-dog eyes.

2. Little bit

Instagram/thegermanshepherdworld Source: Instagram/thegermanshepherdworld

This German shepherd is so tiny as he sits innocently by. He has no idea of what the world holds and seems content to lay on his little bed surrounded by his blanket and toys. It doesn’t hurt that he is so cute while doing it.

3. Dishwasher

Imgur Source: Imgur

It’s hard to tell if this German shepherd is trying to help or is getting in trouble. He seems like he would be happy to help wash the dishes, especially when it comes to cleaning the plates. All it would require is a good licking on his part.

4. Ready for bed

Instagram/thegermanshepherdworld Source: Instagram/thegermanshepherdworld

This German shepherd seems ready for bedtime. Here he lays covered up by a blanket and wearing a beanie to keep him warm. It seems like he might not be in his bed, though. We can only hope he doesn’t get in trouble.

5. White shepherd

Instagram/ultra.flynn Source: Instagram/ultra.flynn

This white German shepherd is so beautiful. He seems to be looking up at his owner and asking what exactly is going on? Awwww, the innocence of our beloved dogs.

6. Plush toys

Instagram/thegermanshepherdworld Source: Instagram/thegermanshepherdworld

German shepherds love their toys. This dog has stacked his toys proudly to show them off. It looks like he loves plushies of German shepherds.

7. Ready to play

Instagram/banjothegsd Source: Instagram/banjothegsd

This is the appropriately named Banjo the GSD. It looks like he has a musical background, or at least his owner does. It would be interesting to know if he sings along while his owner plays.

8. Two of a kind

Instagram/thegermanshepherdworld Source: Instagram/thegermanshepherdworld

Here are two beautiful specimens of the German shepherd breed. It’s funny how they almost seem to be trying to mimic each other in this photo opp.

9. Naptime

Instagram/kaeliacrawford Source: Instagram/kaeliacrawford

It looks like these two German shepherds have worn themselves out from all of their playing. Usually highly energetic, these two dogs must have gone all out to be this tired.

10. I’m listening

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Instagram/thegermanshepherdworld Source: Instagram/thegermanshepherdworld

Like many German shepherds, this puppy has ample ears. Luckily, most German shepherds grow into their ears as they get older.

And there you have it, some of the cutest pics of German shepherds. The next time you find your dog in a cute position, snap a picture, and share it with your family and friends. It is sure to put a smile on everyone’s face.

H/T: The holidogTIMES, Popsugar
