Hero dad rushes into flaming house to rescue his twin daughters

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare: your house is on fire, and your kids are trapped inside.

That’s exactly what happened to Ray Lucas and his girlfriend, Shi’Ann Brown, when the pair returned from a quick 15-minute trip to the gas station.

As soon as they saw their house up in smoke, Ray and Shi’Ann only had one thing on their mind: their kids.

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Ray and Shi’Ann, both 23, of Eastpointe, Michigan, share 18-month-old twin daughters Malaysia and Milan. Both girls were trapped inside their burning house – and the flames were spreading fast.

Ray’s niece and mom were standing at the door, and Ray’s mom urged him to get the babies.

Without another thought for the huge risk he was taking, Ray dived inside and began his rescue.

Maxim Tajer/ Unsplash Source: Maxim Tajer/ Unsplash

The two little girls were asleep in the basement, and time was running out. But Ray was on a mission.

Speaking to FOX 2 Detroit about the terrifying experience, Ray said:

“I just knew I had to get my babies out. That’s what went through my mind.”

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Shi’Ann, also desperate to see her kids, ran in after Ray. She was unable to see where she was going, and the smoke and heat caused her to collapse.

Thankfully, Ray managed to make it to the basement by memory alone.

He recalled:

“You really couldn’t see your hand in front of your face – I really only found my babies due to my memory, just knowing where they were and knowing how to get to them – just from having that same route.”

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It’s too horrendous to think about what could have happened to the girls had Ray not bravely rescued them. But thanks to their dad’s heroic efforts, both girls made it out alive.

The fire had left its mark, though – Milan suffered smoke inhalation and second-degree burns, while Malaysia had severe burns, and both girls were admitted to the ICU.

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As for their father, Ray’s injuries were most severe.

His face, neck, arms, eyes, and other parts of his body had sustained second- and third-degree burns, and he also needed to be treated for smoke inhalation.

The electrical fire almost cost Ray his sight. He said:

“I was temporarily blind for three days and they said it was a miracle I could see. I’ve got burns on my arms, but for the most part, everyone is still here.”

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Ray’s injuries are so severe that he worries about his working future. Not only that, but Ray’s family lost everything in the fire, which completely destroyed their home – and now they’re facing thousands of dollars worth of medical bills.

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The family has a GoFundMe for financial support, which has raised a staggering $470,573 of the $40,000 goal.

Donations continue to pour in from kind strangers on the internet, with many wishing Ray a speedy recovery and calling him a superhero.

GoFundMe Source: GoFundMe

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Source: Fox 2 Detroit/ YouTube, GoFundMe
