Dad comes up with hilarious solution to stubborn toddler's refusal to walk

Parents have different ways when it comes to dealing with their kids’ tantrums or odd behaviors. While some use a strict discipline style and punishments, others allow kids to solve problems on their own. They don’t insist on their rules or what they want. There are also parents who give a lot of freedom to their kids. They don’t offer direction or even rules.

One dad had an interesting response to his kid’s behavior.

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Juliette’s dad picked her up on his way home from work. As if she used up all her energy at school, she suddenly decided that she’s too tired to walk. She laid down on the driveway and stayed there while her father unloaded the grocery.

The dad didn’t look fazed by his kid’s behavior.

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In fact, he left her that way as he finished his task. He moved his bags of groceries without giving his daughter any attention. He didn’t even look like he was bothered about the kid’s behavior. He just went on with his task like Juliette wasn’t there.

Then, he picked her up.

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However, instead of carrying her child the usual way, he picked her up like a duffle bag and the kid seemed to enjoy it. Her mom found the idea funny, too.

“What’s even funnier is that she is more than 3-feet-tall and over 37 pounds heavy and the jacket didn’t break. She often does stuff like this and this is just how we love her.”

The dad’s approach might seem a bit harsh for others but the majority of the people who’ve seen the video found it amusing. They found the situation relatable and were happy to find out that they aren’t the only ones who need to deal with such a thing.

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One viewer commented:

“Truly Awesome! Now, thát’s a SMART solution. Instead of having a nasty fight with a kid having a tantrum who refuses to walk!!!”

Another one said:

“My kids loved to be carried like this when they were little. Nothing wrong here.”

One viewer applauded the dad’s response to his kid:

“Well done, Dad. Calm, no drama parenting. Terrible twos are called that for a reason.”

The Terrible Twos

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Like Juliette’s dad, a lot of parents deal with a development phase called the “terrible twos” in young kids. This phase is marked by defiant behavior, tantrums, and frustration.

There are certain ways you can deal with this phase. However, as a parent, you need to understand that your response can have a huge impact on your child’s development.

One of the best ways to deal with your child’s weird behaviors is just to ignore them. Discipline measures might not work for your kid if he’s focused on defying you. Once he’s finished, you can approach your kid calmly and give him a good hug.

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Another approach is to think like your child, just like how Juliette’s dad approached her.

Some kids do things because they think that it’s fun. Their bad behaviors don’t always mean that they are testing your patience or annoy you.

In that case, don’t reprimand them or take them away from their activity. Doing that will just trigger a tantrum. Wait for a few minutes before you do something about their behavior.

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Source: YouTube, Parenting Isn’t Easy
