Dad catches dogs eating spaghetti, and 1.5 million tuned in to the dogs’ hilarious response

If any dog owner had to name one thing their doggo would hardly resist – the answer would probably be food. In all honesty, people can get really enthusiastic about a meal, too. No wonder Snickers advertises that “you’re not you when you’re hungry!”

You’ve certainly noticed that puppies pay close attention to you when you’re cooking, unpacking, serving, or eating food. If anything falls off the table, they’ll eat it faster than you can snap your fingers. However, two pit bulls went a little overboard when they got ahold of the plate full of spaghetti.

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“Oh look, free pasta!”

The video is being filmed in a kitchen. You can see two pit bulls sitting at a kitchen table, and enjoying their free meal.

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Except that the meal is not so free, after all. Their owner was planning to eat spaghetti, but dogs found it first. It’s funny how they’re both eating from the same plate, without making any mess. True partners in crime!

At first, dogs weren’t aware that their owner was filming them all along

Two dogs were having a blast when they heard their dad’s voice. That’s when all the fun stopped, and they froze. It almost looks as if they were thinking: “If we stand still, no one will suspect that we ate it all.”

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Silly doggies, the spaghetti that is hanging from your snouts gave you away.

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Just look at their puppy eyes, completely aware that they were caught in action.

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Despite everything, we must say that these are well-trained dogs. As soon as they realized that the owner is there, they stopped eating and waited for further instructions. We would love to know what was going through their furry heads, and if they felt ashamed?

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You can hear the owner laughing out loud

After playing a little strict, dad finally gave them the approval to go on and finish the plate.

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There was still some spaghetti left on it, but pit bulls ate it all in no time. All that was left was a clean plate, no trace of pasta ever being served there.

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The video is very cute, and will surely put a smile on your face.

Almost 2 million people have seen the video on YouTube

It was uploaded in 2019, and a lot of dog lovers have watched it so far. One user commented: “When my dog gets caught, he just eats faster.” Well, that’s certainly one way to go. We love the humor and joy these two have given us.

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Whatever their owner feeds them, besides spaghetti, it makes their coats very shiny. Looks like they are being taken good care of, and that’s all that matters.

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Here are some things you shouldn’t share with your puppy

If a similar scenario happens at your home, too beware that there are some stuff dogs can’t eat. They shouldn’t chew up on almonds, especially not the salted ones. They can increase water retention, and be fatal for dogs prone to heart disease. Also keep sweets, cinnamon, garlic, ice cream, and macadamia nuts away from your dogs. It’s very important to remember that macadamia nuts are extremely poisonous for dogs. On the other hand, man’s best friend can have some bread, cheese, ham, milk, fish, and even corn. The best option is, of course, to visit a vet regularly, and choose the recommended food.

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Keep your dogs safe by taking good care of what they eat, and providing enough exercise for them.

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Source: YouTube/RM Videos; AnimalChannel
