Dad challenges daughter to hilarious dance-off – proves he's still got the moves

It’s safe to say that quarantine has got us all going a bit crazy.
The shops are out of toilet roll, every other person suddenly considers themselves to be an expert baker, and parents are doing everything it takes to keep their kids entertained.
Unsurprisingly, this is leading to some pretty interesting content on the internet – especially when dancing is involved. We’ve seen viral TikTok dances, funny dance-based fitness workouts, and – the best of them all – family dance-offs.

No matter what the situation, a dance-off is always worth a watch. Chances are, at least one involved party probably won’t be the best dancer. But in some rare cases, both parties are exceptional, and pull of some pretty cool moves.
So we had high hopes when we caught wind of the latest quarantine dance-off challenge, courtesy of one man and his daughter.

The dad introduces the video as the pair stand in front of the camera wearing appropriate gear – hoodies, and, in the dad’s case, tracksuit bottoms. Dad says: “I don’t think she realizes just how much a 38-year-old can still throw it down,” to which his daughter chips in, “57”, and he corrects, “51.”
Quickly changing the subject, Dad says, “So, anyway, let’s do this! Play it out.”
The song kicks in, T Pain’s “Apple Bottom Jeans.” Dad rallies up his “audience”, telling them to put their hands in the air, while his daughter attempts to push him to the side to give her some space. Dad eventually complies – and the dance-off begins!

As it turns out, this man and his little girl have a whole street-dance routine choreographed. The pair spring into action, crossing their legs, punching the air, and bopping their entire bodies to the tune.
The daughter is clearly a street-dancing pro, while Dad takes a jokier approach to the dance. But there’s no denying that there’s something bizarrely good about his performance! He hits every move right on-beat, and his enthusiasm couldn’t be higher.
With his hood up and his crazy bouncing moves, we’d even go as far as to say Dad steals the show! He’s clearly feeling himself in this moment, as even when the routine comes to an end, he pushes his daughter to the side to continue with his own improvised shuffle-moves. His confidence is admirable, even if he’s not the most talented dancer we’ve seen before.

Obviously, this dad and daughter dance-off was only intended to be a bit of fun. And while it’s debatable whether anyone could really be considered a clear winner, we’re sure the pair spent hours of entertainment learning the moves to their made-up routine.
If quarantine is doing anything good right now, it’s this: bringing families together and encouraging them to spend some real quality time together. A study by Gettysburg College found that one-third of our lives are spent at work, but Coronavirus has changed everything we know.

For once, parents aren’t rushing off to work, and kids are so bored that they’ve even ditched their phones in place of hanging out with their family.
Whether you’ve been a parent yourself or not, you’ll know that those first eighteen years of a child’s life fly by. Before you know it, your little one has grown up and is ready to fly the nest. And that’s why, in a crazy kind of way, quarantine and self-isolation has proved to be really special.

Check out the video below to watch the hilariously-impressive dance-off between this joker of a dad and his daughter.
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Source: Shareably, YouTube/ Dail Blake, Gettysburg College