Dad tries to get his daughter to say “ice cream,” but she keeps getting it hilariously wrong

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!
There are many stumbles in life. This dad taught his daughter that the best thing you can do is laugh about them.
It’s hard for most of us to ever imagine that there was a time when we couldn’t say simple words, like mom, dog, and house. But just like anything else in life, we had to learn those words.

And the toddler in this video shows us that it isn’t so easy.
Most toddlers adore ice cream, for obvious reasons. The toddler in this video, Delta, was no different.

She was learning words really quickly, so her dad wondered if she could string together a whole sentence.
He tried to get her to say “I love ice cream.” A pretty easy sentence, or so the dad thought.

So the dad asked Delta to say “I” and the girl said “I.” Then he did the same with “love,” and the girl sounded it out. Now he only had to get her to say “ice cream.” But when Delta repeated it back, it sounded a lot more like “camtono.”
Eagle-eyed and eared people will recognize that “camtono” sounds incredibly different from “ice cream.” But the toddler appeared to be pleased with herself nonetheless. After all, both use the letters “c” “a” and “m.”
The dad laughed lightly and tried again. He got Delta to repeat “I” and “want,” but when he got to “ice cream,” the girl said “camtono” again.

The dad laughed harder now. “Camtono?” It kind of sounded like a brand of gelato, but where had she got that word from?
So the dad tried a different tactic. He asked the girl to repeat her name, “Delta,” which she did. Then he got her to repeat “eat.” Now all she had to repeat was “ice cream.” Hopefully, “camtono” wouldn’t be showing up.

He was wrong. “Camtono” Delta said.
The dad laughed again, completely baffled. He even asked the girl “What the heck are you saying?” That’s pretty obvious, dad. She’s saying “camtono.” Durr.

Still, the dad was determined to get the girl to say “ice cream.” So he got her to sound it out separately. This time, Delta said “ice” when dad said “ice” and “cream” when dad said “cream.” But could she say it in one?
So the dad repeated again: “Say ‘I’.” “I,” repeated Delta. Dad then said, “want.” “Want,” said Delta. Dad then said, “ice cream.” “Camtono,” said Delta. This time she smiled at herself for sticking to her values.

The dad tried to get Delta to say “ice cream” several more times. But eventually, he realized that if Delta was gonna ice cream camtono, then that was just the way it was.
Luckily, he was recording the entire thing. The video soon appeared on YouTube, where it went viral.
To date, the video has gained over 10.3 million views. It also has more than 446,000 likes.
So just what is this “camtono?”
A Google search reveals that a camtono is a thing in the Star Wars universe. (In the movies, it’s a portable safe, like one of those metal briefcases.)

So there you have it. Mystery solved. Delta is just a die-hard Star Wars fan, and clearly she was equating her love of the characters carrying camtonos with her love of ice cream. Or perhaps she’s just baby talking.
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Source: Ftigy Daily, Wookiepedia