Dad finds secret note hidden in car he bought for his daughter

Most people say that they had their best memories as a teenager.

It’s the period wherein we experience a lot of changes when it comes to our bodies and emotions. Sure, there are still some aspects that may be difficult for a teenager but as soon as we grew up, a part of us wants to go back.

It’s the time when we had more freedom than responsibilities – the freedom to try out new things, live out our dreams, and be open-minded towards a lot of things without worrying too much about the future.

Pexels-Helena Lopes Source: Pexels-Helena Lopes

As for most girls, nothing can be more nerve-wracking than turning 16. It’s when girls come of age – a celebration of womanhood or just plainly being able to get their own driving license.

It’s very exciting for teenagers to have their own ride, so Kevin Duke bought his beloved daughter Jada a second-hand car.

Pexels-Ami Suhzu Source: Pexels-Ami Suhzu

At first, Kevin repeatedly said no to buying her a new car but he eventually gave in. He spent days finding the best one until he came across one that (little did he know) would end up putting a tear in his eye.

He bought it early for Jada’s birthday, so he drove it around and checked every nook and cranny to make sure that everything worked.

Until one day as he was tinkering around, he found something inside the glove compartment.

Pexels-Louis Source: Pexels-Louis

Kevin noticed a rubber mat inside the compartment and just decided to pull it out.

It was a letter.

The envelope was addressed to the new owner which read: “Important Info Inside.”

Pexels-John-Mark Smith Source: Pexels-John-Mark Smith

Kevin shared what he found n the compartment through a Facebook post:

“I bought my daughter, Jada, a used car a couple weeks ago. Since she doesn’t turn 16 until March, I’m driving it to see if there are any kinks to work out before I give it to her. Well, yesterday I’m in it tinkering around and I open this storage compartment on top of the dash (which I’ve opened a half dozen times already). This time I notice a rubber mat in the bottom of it and for whatever reason, I pull it out. To my surprise, I find this envelope with this letter inside. I won’t lie, I shed a few tears.”

The letter was from Sabrina Archey, and as Kevin was reading her letter, he learned about Sabrina’s fun memories with her daughter in this car.

And unfortunately, her tragic backstory as well.

“To the person that gets this car, I just wanted to let you know what a special vehicle you’ve bought. This car belonged to my mom. She passed away Feb. 25, 2015 in a house fire along with my 6 year old daughter and my aunt. The last time my mom drove this car was the day she left us. Her and my daughter went out shopping and got their hair cut.”

Facebook-Sabrina Robinson Source: Facebook-Sabrina Robinson

She also didn’t have a choice but to sell the car, saying:

“This car holds a lot of special memories for me. My home and everything in it is gone, this car is all that I had left to touch. There was a mix up with paperwork and that’s caused the car not to be paid off by insurance. It’s very upsetting that I have lost my family, my home and now I’m losing this last link I have with my mom and child through no fault of my own.”

Facebook-Sabrina Robinson Source: Facebook-Sabrina Robinson

Sabrina had “fun little adventures” with her daughter in this vehicle. And she hoped for the same for the new owner.

“I’m not mad at you. I hope this car is the best car you’ve ever owned. I hope it runs for 100 more years. I hope the backseat is filled with kids and toys and random things. My family filled this car with lots of love and other sticky things. We took road trips, blared 80’s and country music and rolled the windows down. I’ve changed more diapers in the backseat than I can count. There’s probably a sucker stick or a crayon hidden somewhere that belonged to my baby. Maybe an entire chicken nugget. HA!”

Facebook-Kevin Duke Source: Facebook-Kevin Duke

She continued:

“I know it’s just a car to you, but to me it’s so much more. Life happened in this car. Love, joy and adventure was had in this car. So now that it’s yours, please remember it isn’t just a car. It’s a memory. This car with all its quirks is the last piece of my family. Be nice to it. Play it a country song. Big Green Tractor was my daughter’s favorite song ever, or some Lynyrd Skynyrd Freebird. That song meant so much to us that I played it at their funerals.”

Facebook-Kevin Duke Source: Facebook-Kevin Duke

Sabrina also stated in the letter that the new owner would be riding with angels, and ended the letter with a final request.

“If you ever want to sell Sylvia, please try to find me. I just paid for 3 funerals, I can’t afford to buy it right now, but hopefully I’ll be in a better financial situation if you decide later that she’s just not right for you anymore. Be blessed, be happy, live and love like we did. I wish you and Sylvia the best!”

Facebook-Sabrina Robinson Source: Facebook-Sabrina Robinson

The post went viral for all the right reasons. Sometimes, memories are all that’s left of something or someone. And we definitely hope that Kevin and his daughter will share wonderful memories in this car.

See Kevin’s original post below!

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Source: Facebook-Kevin Duke, Facebook-Sabrina Robinson
