Dad goes viral for the way he reacted when a stranger insulted his daughter

We often disregard our sheer power as individuals to make someone’s life a bit brighter.

More often than not, we get trapped in our own biases that it’s much easier and convenient to pass a quick judgment rather than taking the time to empathize and understand.

But that’s what one Nebraska father did when he and his daughter were out in Boston.

In an emotional Facebook post that has been shared over a thousand times, Brent Gehring told a story of how he turned a hateful encounter turned into a teaching moment.

Gehring had dinner with his family at Union Oyster House in Boston, Massachusetts courtesy of a friend that has been close to his family for years. As they were about to cross the road, Gehring took his daughter Emma into his arms and carried her. At that moment, he heard a man a few feet away from him scream “What the f**k? Make her walk! That’s what is wrong with kids today!”

Little did the man know that Emma was currently battling pilomyxoid astrocytoma. It’s a form of brain cancer that affects children like Emma who was only 6-years-old at that time. She was diagnosed at seven months old and has undergone six rounds of chemotherapy since then.

The condition made it difficult for her to walk without assistive devices like her walker.

So for a stranger to pass such callous judgment, it was easy for Gehring to take the same low road and lash back. But in that moment of high emotions, he found clarity between two choices – should he make himself feel better by screaming and choosing the same callousness? Or should he turn this encounter into a teaching moment?

Gehring walked towards the man who berated his daughter and stood inches from his face.

What he said next totally disarmed the stranger.

“I responded with ‘My daughter has been carrying my faith and my strength for the past 5 years since she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She can’t walk but I am happy to carry her because of all the amazing things she has taught me through the years. So I would advise you not address my daughter in any way other than respectful’” Gehring wrote in his Facebook post.

Through our own biases, it’s easy for us to pass judgment on struggles we don’t see on the surface.

People find it easier to comment on things they don’t understand because it doesn’t require them to dismantle their own prejudices, no matter how small.

Gehring didn’t specify the conversation they had after the encounter. He only shared that it ended with “two grown men with tears rolling down their faces,” and with the same two men learning a valuable lesson that day.

“One that needed to have his eyes opened to what real life and real love is and one that is always needing a reminder that good can come from any situation.”

It was an encounter that could’ve ended in an altercation, but Gehring, who learned how much love a person is infinitely capable of giving, extended this warmth to someone else.

He ended the post beautifully with a reminder:

“You have the power to make people’s days better or worse. What did you do today? What will you do tomorrow?”

Emma sadly passed away last year. However, in her brief presence on Earth, she has touched the lives of many, especially Gehring who reminded us of the power we hold if we always choose love.

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Source: Facebook – EmmaStrong, Daily Mail UK
