Owner was told dalmatian was pregnant with 3 puppies, but the vet couldn’t have been more wrong

When a dog gets pregnant, one of the first things that their owners want to know is how many puppies they are having. And while this is not an exact science, with equipment vets can get a pretty good estimate of how many pups are on the3 way. So, when one vet’s math was way off it left the dog owner in shock by just how much the vet was wrong.
A slight miscalculation in the number of pups

Cecilia Langton-Burton and her husband were told to expect no more than three puppies by the vet when their Dalmatian Miley got pregnant. So, you can imagine their surprise when instead Miley gave birth to 18 puppies. Miley’s huge belly should have been the first indicator that the vet was wrong in their estimation.
Why the vet was so wrong

Becoming a veterinarian can take anywhere from seven to nine years to get your degree. So, anyone who undertakes becoming a vet should have an idea about what they are talking about by the time they start practicing their trade. Chances were that whatever scanner they used was faulty, or the vet misinterpreted the scan.
Some likened it to ‘101 Dalmatians’

Having a total of 12 girls and 6 boys, the size of the litter was a world record. Many are comparing the record number of pups to the Disney animated film “101 Dalmatians, ” where the two doggie parents were estimated to have just 15 to 16 puppies, though, in the film they had much more. That was the number of puppies that Cecilia, who is also a dog breeder, had estimated Miley would have.
Miley gets help from her human parents

Taking care of the puppies is a chore in and of itself, with Miley’s human parents helping her to care for the pups. This includes helping the proud mom feed her puppies to make sure that they stay healthy and happy. To help everyone tell the dogs apart, Cecilia and her husband have placed temporary dyed colors on their necks, at least until the dog collars arrive.
Initially, Cecilia was skeptical that Miley would be able to take care of all those pups, but the Dalmatian surprised her, “They have been a really healthy, happy, thriving litter from the time they were born, which is largely because of their mum’s dedication and perseverance.”
Documented as an Australian record

The Australian National Kennel Council has also documented the litter as the largest in Australian history. As first time parents, the Dalmatians have bucked the usual trend of having between 15 or 16 puppies. Usually, Dalmatians have far less their first time around.
The poor dad was shocked by the number of offspring

Regardless, both dog parents must be happy, especially Miley as she spent 13 hours in labor delivering the brood. As for the dad, the poor dog, named Astro, seemed to be in shock when he was first let into the room to meet his new kids. Here is a video with more on this story of a shocking error made by one vet.
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