Deaf pit bull is brought to tears when her best buddy gets adopted

Having a best friend you can count on makes your life a whole lot better.

And that definitely doesn’t only apply to us humans. It probably won’t surprise you that dogs can actually form special bonds and very close friendships with each other, and sometimes two four-footers even become inseparable.

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Meet Marshmallow, a pit bull who is almost completely deaf and has been residing at a rescue center.

She hopes to find his loving forever home.

One of Marshmallow’s best friends listens to the name Scooby, and he also lived at the rescue organization.

The Unleashed Pet Rescue staff in Kansas always noticed that these two four-footer just loved spending time with one another and that they had a very special bond.

Unleashed Pet Rescue/The Dodo Source: Unleashed Pet Rescue/The Dodo

Of course, these two were put up for adoption, but one day, there was some good and some bad news.

A family had been interested in adopting Scooby.

While that would normally be a huge reason to celebrate, it also meant that Scooby and Marshmallow would have to be separated.

These two were best buddies for over a year, and it’s only natural that they’ve developed such a huge friendship. Wherever Marshmallow was, Scooby was around too – they were always playing together and hanging out in their shared kennel.

These special friendships can prove to be very beneficial and healthy to dogs, which is also why it’s not uncommon to adopt two dogs at once.

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“Two well-matched dogs can become best of friends, providing each other with companionship and a built-in playmate. For dogs that will be left alone for several hours during the day, having a puppy pal to socialize with can mean the difference between destructive boredom-driven behaviors and a happy, well-stimulated or contented pooch. It can even help with separation anxiety,” Health Pets says on their website.

With Scooby now gone, you could tell that Marshmallow felt absolutely heartbroken about it.

Marshmallow simply missed having her best buddy around and was understandably very upset about it. The staff immediately knew what was wrong with the poor four-footer, and they definitely tried their best to lift her spirits as much as possible. The broken-hearted Marshmallow received a lot of extra attention from the kind staff, just to try and keep her happy.

They knew that Marshmallow was very unhappy, so they decided to share her story and try to get her adopted sooner.

Not long after, another family was actually interested in taking Marshmallow home!

Even though the absolutely adorable pit bull would still be separated from Scooby, she would finally have a warm and loving home again.

Maybe she would become friends with other humans or perhaps other four-footers.

And who knows, maybe one day, Marshmallow and Scooby will be able to see each other again!

The two new families know about their story, so perhaps there’s time for an absolutely heartfelt reunion down the road.

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In any case, it’s absolutely heartwarming to see that these two have such a loving and special friendship, and their lives are certainly full of love and attention now.

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Source: Unleashed Pet Rescue and Adoption
