Security camera records delivery driver – shows him praying for at-risk baby in doorcam

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For those who are at risk, coronavirus is especially terrifying. This mother is going through hell over her baby’s health. Luckily, people are there for her, even if they can’t be in the same space.

Raquel and Derek Pearson have an eight-month-old son, Lucas. He was born with a congenital heart defect. This makes him vulnerable to the worst effects of coronavirus.

Inside Edition/YouTube Source: Inside Edition/YouTube

The family lives in Idaho. While coronavirus has not hit their state so hard, almost 3,000 residents have contracted the disease to date. This has caused both parents to panic over the wellbeing of their child.

Ever since coronavirus came to the state, the family has been on lockdown.

Inside Edition/YouTube Source: Inside Edition/YouTube

They stay inside their home. Therefore, they order everything they need, from food to toiletries. Their extreme precautions are understandable. After all, like most parents, they want to do anything for their baby.

To show their appreciation for the essential workers who are delivering their items, Raquel posted a note on the front of her door.

Inside Edition/YouTube Source: Inside Edition/YouTube

It included a photo of Lucas, an explanation of his medical needs, a thank you and an outpouring of appreciation.

One particular delivery driver, Monica Salinas, saw this message, and it touched her.

Inside Edition/YouTube Source: Inside Edition/YouTube

“That’s the kind of stuff that makes my heart cry, and I felt the need to pray.” – Monica Salinas.

The delivery driver placed her package on the Pearson’s doorstep. Then she bowed her head down in prayer. For a few minutes, she quietly hoped that the child would be well.

Inside Edition/YouTube Source: Inside Edition/YouTube

When she was done, Salinas made the sign of the cross and made her way back to her van, on to the next delivery.

Unknown to Salinas, the family captured the moment on their video doorbell.

Raquel Pearson could not believe what she was seeing. She was amazed to see Salinas praying for her child.

Soon Raquel posted the video onto her Facebook page. In no time at all, it had gone viral.

Soon, people were able to locate Salinas as the person who prayed. People all over the world have told her that what she did was amazing.

Inside Edition/YouTube Source: Inside Edition/YouTube

But Salinas wasn’t finished with her support. Salinas is also a talented musician, and she decided to write Lucas a song.

Inside Edition then made a report about Salinas and the Pearsons. It appeared on YouTube and has become very popular in a short time. In less than a week, it has gained over 650,000 views. It also has more than 28,000 likes and 1,500 comments. People have been saying things like this:

Inside Edition/YouTube Source: Inside Edition/YouTube

Salinas’s gestures are meaningful and important for people to see, no matter their faith.

The delivery driver and musician had no idea that what she did would be seen all around the world. She just wanted to do whatever she could to keep a baby safe.

These are troubling times for America. It’s important to remember that most people, in the US and in the entire world, are like Salinas. They care for others. They want everyone to be safe and well. And they will do what they can to help others.

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Source: Inside Edition,
