Customers tell delivery guy to pick up six red cups, and he leaves their house crying

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This group of young people wanted to show their delivery driver just how much he meant to them. They devised a game that would ensure he knew.

Justin Floum and his friends often ordered Domino’s Pizza when they hung out. They usually had the same delivery driver, a kindly older gentleman.

Justin Floum/YouTube Source: Justin Floum/YouTube

When coronavirus struck, Floam and his friends gained a whole new level of appreciation for people like their delivery driver. He was working in the midst of a pandemic.

So Justin came up with a unique way of rewarding the pizza delivery driver.

He took out a bunch of different bank notes and placed them under 12 cups. Instead of tipping the delivery guy, Justin would let him pick half of the cups. No matter what the delivery guy picked, he would end up with a significantly higher tip than usual.

The friends ordered a pizza and waited anxiously for the delivery guy.

When the doorbell rang, they started recording and rushed to the door.

They greeted the delivery guy in their usual friendly manner and told him to come to the kitchen.

Justin Floum/YouTube Source: Justin Floum/YouTube

Then they showed the delivery guy the 12 cups arranged in a circle on the kitchen island.

They explained that he could pick up six of them. Whatever was underneath them was his.

So the guy picked a cup from his right. He slid it to him and pulled it up. A $20 bill was underneath. Pretty great start!

Justin Floum/YouTube Source: Justin Floum/YouTube

Feeling happy now, the delivery guy picked the cup farthest from him and slid it over. He lifted it up and found a $1 bill. Ah well, that was better than no money!

The delivery guy tried for a third time. He slid the cup over, lifted and saw Abraham Lincoln staring back at him. $5 this time.

Justin Floum/YouTube Source: Justin Floum/YouTube

$26 and still three more to go!

Then he picked a cup to his left. Once more, Honest Abe was under the cup. His total now stood at $31.

Justin Floum/YouTube Source: Justin Floum/YouTube

Then the friends revealed that one of the cups contained a significant sum of money. In fact, it was more than he had currently won.

The delivery guy hesitated now. Finally, he picked another cup.

He lifted it up to see a note he rarely got to see: a $100 bill.

Justin Floum/YouTube Source: Justin Floum/YouTube

The delivery guy picked up his final cup and got a couple more dollars. He thanked his customers. They had always been good tippers. But this was something else!

Then, as he waved, he struggled to hold back tears. Then they came flowing.

Justin Floum/YouTube Source: Justin Floum/YouTube

But the friends all had one more surprise for him.

One of them “suddenly” decided to do one last thing for the delivery guy.

They all guided the delivery guy back to the kitchen island. One of the friends started lifting up each cup.

Justin Floam/YouTube Source: Justin Floam/YouTube

She added the money underneath them to the delivery guy’s winnings. Soon, the delivery guy was walking off with a substantial sum of money. Of course, the friends were always going to do this.

Once more, the delivery guy started crying. They all hugged the delivery guy again and sent him on his way.

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Source: Justin Floum
