Delivery driver discovers heartbreaking note from customer asking for dog companion

Dogs are truly wonderful animals, and having one in the family just makes ever single day better. They will love you regardless of the circumstances and will remain with you for life.

Unfortunately, they only stay with us for so long. Dogs will live anywhere from ten to fifteen years at most so when the time comes to say goodbye, it is never easy for anyone.

Pexels - Christian Domingues Source: Pexels - Christian Domingues

What truly helps is a helping hand. There has to be someone around to help with the heartbreak and pain of the loss. It could be a family member, a close friend, or even a neighbor.

The loss of a loved one is easier when we receive love in return.

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And then there are those amazing individuals who go out of their way to make lives better.

The person in this story wasn’t expecting a total stranger, who turned out to be a delivery man, to be of help. This delivery man had been coming to the same area for years.

Pexels - Norma Mortenson Source: Pexels - Norma Mortenson

David MacLeod is a delivery driver for Iceland Home Delivery in Scotland. He was out doing his usual delivery rounds when he got to one customer’s house in West Kilbride, North Ayrshire.

The man who lives there has been his regular for the past six years. But this time, when David arrived, something was a little different.

Pexels - Vlad Chetan Source: Pexels - Vlad Chetan

A note was posted on the fence. A note that touched the delivery man’s heart.

The message was pretty simple, “Small dog [wanted] for company. Lost my dog with cancer, do not feel well without him. Jack Russell/Cairn. Pay £30.”

The poor man.

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After David saw the note, he knew what he had to do. All he wanted was to help the man in anyway he can.

He took a photo of the note and posted the picture on Facebook, saying: “I have been delivering Iceland to this lovely guy for almost 6 years, he is such a nice caring man. This is absolutely heartbreaking, so I’m going to make this year just that little bit better for him if I can.”

“Would like some help from my friend, please, so if anyone has any ideas or know of anyone with puppies, please, please, help this wee guy out. I will help with the cost.”

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David also reached out to some organizations hoping to find a furry companion for the lonely man on his route.

David knew of the man’s Jack Russell. He often saw it running around, knowing how the man loved his dog. He was determined to help.

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He spoke to the Give A Dog A Bone charity, realizing they had dogs that could be potential companions.

This selfless delivery man, along with other people in the community reached out to help, wanting to give companionship and compassion for the man who was going through a hard time.

Pexels - Lucas Pezeta Source: Pexels - Lucas Pezeta

David trusts in the organizations that they will find the right dog for the man. He looks forward to the day where he will see a happy dog staying with his regular customer.

Let’s hope his efforts prove fruitful for the man!

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site, Give A Dog A Bone
