Photos from the 'Coincidence Project' will make you do a double-take

Do you like photography and street art? If yes, this is the story just for you!

Meet the London-based photographer Denis Cherim, who just the last year won the SPi Awards 2020, aka the Street Photography International competition.

Cherim is a very talented photographer with a great eye for detail. In his project called The Coincidence Project, Cherim has found funny hidden parallelisms in the natural and urban landscape that will surprise you!

The way his camera catches the light and the different angles from which he captures a picture led him to a beautiful collection of eye-catching photographs that reminds us that beauty is all around.

Below you will find 15 of his remarkable photographs that belong to the Coincidence Project. Enjoy!

1. Self-exposure

In this picture you see the photographer himself posing for his Coincidence Project. It’s amazing how he managed that the edges of his shorts and socks are aligned perfectly to the background, and his Happy Socks are undoubtedly quite fetching!

2. Shadow branches

Another amazing photograph, it’s incredible how the shadow of one tree appears to be the continuation of the other.

3. Above the storm

This photograph is quite impressive and makes you believe that the bird is on another level, above the impending storm.

4. Perfect circles

You would think that one circle represents life and the other death, quite a meaningful picture in the urban landscape. There seems to be a connection between the two.

5. Radical dualism

It’s really beautiful the symmetry of this picture, there is this emphasis on balance.

6. In nature

One of the most earthly pictures of Cherim. You are really immersed in nature, it’s like everything around is interconnected, like that bark of the tree that “appears” to turn into a root, enveloping another tree.

7. God’s hand

Do you think that God is up to something in this picture? Again a very funny accidental capture!

8. Imprisoned car

It’s hilarious how sometimes two random things can appear so aligned just out of coincidence!

9. Divine light

It’s such a majestic photograph this one like the sky has opened and light is cast on the tree and the car as a huge diving spotlight!

10. Pull up!

This picture is one of those that makes you do a double-take as you aren’t completely sure if this lamp post is indeed suspended from the crane or not.

11. Bonbon

It’s funny how the wire in the middle seems like candy. Cherim chose to comment on the picture by saying “Take a chill pill, bro!” It does look a bit like a pill in the middle of a very serene green landscape.

12. London Eye

This picture is just magical and it’s all thanks to the angle from which it was taken.

13. Stoned tree

Again how the sunlight can create such an amazing picture, and Cherim was there at the right moment to capture it. A tree made of shadows and life!

14. Puzzle Piece

The apartment building fits perfectly in its stoned frame much like two pieces of the same puzzle.

15. Perfect Alignment

Look how perfectly the rubber ring seems to hover just above the street cylinder, it’s really all about the perception. Just amazing!

If you enjoyed the photographs don’t hesitate to visit Cherim’s personal Instagram page and browse through his work.

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Source: Denis Cherim, Bored Panda
