This girl didn’t have a clue her deployed mother was going to show up to her school concert

Being apart of the military is a rich tradition in some families. Many have generations of family members that have served. We all have great respect for those that have contributed to the freedoms that everyday people enjoy. But those families also endure some very tough challenges.

Having a parent deployed can make any child feel like a part of them is missing. During times of growing up, spending time with a parent and creating memories, is very important.

YouTube Screen Capture Source: YouTube Screen Capture

On the other side, a mother or father deployed is missing out on big events in their children’s lives. It could be a graduation, a sports championship, or maybe even the birth of a grandchild.

Ultimately, everyone just wants to be with their family.

During the holidays, when the family is often the focus, it makes for a particularly difficult time to be without a loved one. Tawnee Hinton has been serving in the Navy and has been stationed in Djibouti, Africa.

NBC26 Source: NBC26

She has been working on counter-terrorism efforts for the last 14 months, while her family has gone about their lives. With that amount of time passing since the family had seen their mom, no one expected her to show up for a concert.

She was about to have the surprise of her life.

In central Indiana, Avarie Hinton is performing at her Christmas concert. The video focuses right onto Avarie, and the song begins. All the kids sing really beautifully and any parent would be proud.

The chorus to the song says “celebrate the season with the ones you love.” I can only imagine those words rattled Avarie a little more than most.

YouTube Screen Capture Source: YouTube Screen Capture

They all sway back and forth. Their faces wearing such sweet expressions. The choir finishes the song and they all take a bow.

Time for an announcement.

A woman takes to the microphone to address the crowd. She briefly talks about the traditions in her home during the holidays. She mentions that its a time for her and her sons to be together. Then segues into announcing that she’s so happy to be a part of a family reunion.

YouTube Screen Capture Source: YouTube Screen Capture

“We have someone who has been serving in Africa for a whole year, and she is surprising her daughter…”

You can see Avarie is following her words. When she puts the pieces together to realize that it’s her that the woman is talking about, her face changes. And so will yours.

YouTube Screen Capture Source: YouTube Screen Capture

Almost instantly Avarie covers her mouth and the tears begin to fall. She eagerly parts the people in front of her and heads off to the side of the stage where her mother awaits. It’s a very warm and heartfelt embrace. You can’t help but react to the emotion.

YouTube Screen Capture Source: YouTube Screen Capture

We love reunion videos!

You can see Tawnee try and console Avarie. She mouths “You don’t need to cry.” They continue to hold each other and the choir starts back up. Kind of a movie moment right here.

YouTube Screen Capture Source: YouTube Screen Capture

In Hollywood fashion, it’s a happy ending for these two. Let’s hope they don’t have to spend any more time away from each other.

Enjoy the wonderful reunion in the video below.

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Source: RTV 6 ABC
