Deputy’s body-cam captures his hilarious run-in with a group of angry turkeys

Sheriff’s deputies see a lot of crazy things. I’m sure they knew exactly what they signed up for when they took the job. But in this case, I think this deputy would have ever guessed what he’d be faced with one day. Turkey. Three turkeys. Three angry turkeys.

In Ada county, in the Boise Idaho area, this sheriff’s deputy ran into three turkeys walking along a two-lane highway. He pulled his cruiser over to the side of the road. He turns his body camera on and exits the vehicle. And boy, am I glad we have the footage.

YouTube Screen Capture Source: YouTube Screen Capture

As the deputy approaches the birds, he’s already got a case of the chuckles. I’m sure he can’t take the situation too seriously. It’s like the Foster Farms turkeys, who in the commercials, are always trying to break out of the farm. I can’t help but think this is the real-life version of that situation.

By the sounds of it, the turkeys aren’t too excited to have anyone approach them. The deputy wants to try and get these guys off the road so they don’t get hit by a car. Or worse, cause someone to crash their car trying to avoid them.

YouTube Screen Capture Source: YouTube Screen Capture

He starts with a few rounds of “Get out of here! Get out of here!”

He doesn’t put a ton of effort in his words at first cause who knows what it’s gonna take to get these birds off the road. But it’s gonna take more than that. Almost immediately after his attempts at shouting, two of the turkeys turn at the deputy. They gave him their full attention.

The two turkeys increase the noise they are making and fan their tails out, trying to intimidate the man. It seems to be working. He knows these birds mean business and he begins to take a defensive position.

YouTube Screen Capture Source: YouTube Screen Capture

No doubt the deputy has a good sense of humor. He laughs at the situation the entire time. Like he’s watching it all unfold from a third-person perspective.

He pulls out his baton and tries a new technique of tapping the ground in front of the birds to scare them off. But these two male turkeys aren’t afraid of nothing. These two are actually competing for the lone female in the group. She stays back while they try and protect her.

The turkeys are winning and have pushed the officer back near his vehicle. They don’t budge at all. I figured the deputy was going to jump back into the safety of his cruiser and beat it. Call animal control and let them take care of it. But he stands his ground.

YouTube Screen Capture Source: YouTube Screen Capture

Time to try something new. I know, try to talk to them like birds. So he starts to make chicken noises. This is too funny.

“He tries chicken noises. Oh my, I’m crying I’m laughing so hard.” – YouTube commentor

That doesn’t work either.

A white pickup truck is seen approaching the scene. The driver of the truck slows down and the deputy motions him through. I mean, who wants to have any witnesses to getting bossed around by a couple of turkeys.

The driver rolls his window down and offers the deputy some help. To save himself some embarrassment, he tells the driver the birds are just trying to “give him cuddles”. They laugh and the white truck drives off.

YouTube Screen Capture Source: YouTube Screen Capture

At this point, the turkeys have moved just off the road and the deputy can’t put any more time into these three. He laughs his way back into his cruiser and says out loud: “Those guys were angry.”

Enjoy the escapade in the video below

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Source: KTVB News
