Tactless woman calls tattooed man a ‘dirty biker’ – then he posts his identity on Facebook

Everyone knows the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” While it may seem cliché, there is a reason why it even became a cliché in the first place — because it is true!

It is impossible and unfair to judge a person solely based on the way they look because you simply don’t know what their personalities are like on the inside. Moreover, you do not know what they are going through in their personal life, so it is crucial to be kind to every stranger you meet.

This one mother should have had someone remind her of that, because what she did to a stranger at a coffee shop was rude, and while she didn’t know it, it broke the poor stranger’s heart.

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Luc Perreault stopped at a Tim Hortons in Ontario, Canada while he was testing out his mom’s motorbike.

Sure, he’s a bigger man with a beard and lots of tattoos who also happens to wear leather jackets, drink beer, and talk loudly, but he wasn’t doing anything crazy.

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While he was at the coffee shop, an innocent young girl walked up to him to say hi.

As any normal and kind stranger would do, Luc waved hello back. He never felt like a man who was particularly “noticed,” so this sweet encounter made him feel warm and happy on the inside.

Clearly, Luc wasn’t doing anything wrong, but then all of a sudden, the young girl’s mother came up and pulled her daughter away from him quickly.

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He was confused until he heard the mother tell her daughter that she wasn’t allowed to talk to “dirty bikers” as they walked away. That sure is enough to break this softie’s heart.

After the encounter went sour, Luc really felt sad. He decided to take to Facebook to tell the story from his side and raise awareness. He wanted to let people on the Internet know that, hey, always be nice to strangers because you don’t actually know anything about them!

“To the family in the red SUV at Tim Horton’s today,” he wrote. “Yes I am a big 280 lbs guy with motorcycles and full of tattoos, I am a welder, I am loud, I drink beer, I swear and I look like I would eat your soul if you stare at me wrong.”

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“What you don’t know is that I have been happily married for 11 years, my kids call me daddy, i am a college graduate, my mother is proud of me and tells everyone how lucky she is to have such a wonderful son, my nieces and nephews are always happy to see there m’noncl Luc, when my daughter broke her arm I cried more than she did. I read books, i help people, I go out of my way to thank war veterans and I even cried at Armageddon.”

“So next time I smile and say hi to your little girl and you grab her and tell her ‘No no dear we don’t talk to dirty bikers,’ remember that even tho you hurt my feelings this ‘dirty biker’ would be the first person to run into your burning house to save your little girls gold fish so she wouldn’t be sad!!!!”


The post went viral, and it’s easy to see why. This is such a great message to spread. Thank you, Luc!

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Source: Facebook / Shareably
