Mother who judged "dirty-looking" man was taught very important lesson instead

There’s a reason why the words “Don’t judge a book by its cover” became famous.

Heeding these words is not only compassionate, but it also avoids situations where you’ll make a totally crap out of yourself.

Pexels - Kelly L Source: Pexels - Kelly L

A viral Facebook post had made these words into a reality when a construction worker heard an ill-motivated comment about his appearance. The encounter resulted in a lesson none of them ever forget.

The since-deactivated account of Andy Ross posted the encounter.

“So I had a very interesting “educational” conversation with a woman and her daughter today.” The post stated, “As I entered the store before I got home, a little girl kept staring at me.”

Pexels - Andy Kuzma Source: Pexels - Andy Kuzma

He said that it was fine especially since kids are naturally curious. And he thought the kid’s attention was focused on him because of his appearance.

Pexels - Kirsten Bühne Source: Pexels - Kirsten Bühne

He shared that he was “dirty” – maybe he got a dirt-stained face or mud caked on his clothes. He also has some tattoos on.

Then, as the mother and daughter were leaving, that’s when the entire thing blew up.

“As they finished and headed toward the door, I hear her mom say quietly to the little girl, ‘That’s why you need to stay in school,’” he shared. That was when he decided to enlighten the woman and teach the child something.

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Monica Silvestre
Source: Pexels -
Monica Silvestre

“First, I happen to be a very educated dirty man.” He began, “I not only have a high school diploma, I also have a college degree and many medical certifications. So assuming that I am uneducated because of my appearance is actually quite ignorant in itself.”

He then discussed other aspects of his being like his tattoos and his profession.

He shared that calling out someone with tattoos can hinder and suppress the little girl’s creativity and imagination. He also said that his tattoos were a representation of his pride to his country and service. He said he served as a special operations medic.

Pexels - Specna Arms Source: Pexels - Specna Arms

He then told the woman that he is also a business owner and is only dirty because he works in construction. He shared that he was proud to “build America” and that it was a job he preferred rather than sitting behind a desk.

He also said that he makes good money, has benefits, and is able to provide for his family. All of the things he shared was lightyears away from what the mother suspected after seeing his appearance.

Pexels - Yury Kim Source: Pexels - Yury Kim

The moral of the story is? Never judge someone especially when you know nothing about them.

Ross ended the post with some nuggets of wisdom.

He said that we shouldn’t judge people at first glance and that do what you love and enjoy because it will never feel like work.

Pexels - Pixabay Source: Pexels - Pixabay

He also shared that while education is important, getting a college degree won’t guarantee anything. And when attempting to “insult someone’s intelligence and education level, don’t allow yourself to be out-educated by said dirty man.”

Pexels - Pavel Danilyuk Source: Pexels - Pavel Danilyuk

His post served as a warning to parents that kids do not grow up having prejudices. Judgment and hate are learned and they will get them from their parents.

What do you think about this encounter?

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Source: LAD Bible, Bored Panda
