CDC is urging everyone wear a cloth face mask during outings – here's how to easily make your own

Our current reality has most of us rubbing our eyes wondering if this is all a dream. Turns out this global pandemic is brutally real and we have to do our part to reduce the spread of this vicious virus. The CDC has recently announced that everyone should be wearing a mask when going outside, but they are scarce to find nowadays. With such high demand, masks have been swept off the shelves.

So how in the world are we going to find masks?

Flickr Image/ Jernej Furman Source: Flickr Image/ Jernej Furman

If boredom has struck in your household we’ve got a new craft and hobby for you!

You can make your very own washable face mask without using a sewing machine! So you’re able to reuse it and even personalize it with a fun fabric or design. This step by step process will get you safely outside in no time.

YouTube/I'm Sharla Source: YouTube/I'm Sharla

What You Need

  • 6 x 9-inch piece of fabric (Fabric #1)
  • 7 x 9-inch piece of fabric (Fabric #2)
  • 2 elastic pieces 5-inch long
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Sewing pins

Once you’ve got all of the materials, let’s start putting some needle to thread!

1. Cut

Grab the 7 x 9-inch Fabric #2 and cut it lengthwise down the center. You’ll now how 2 halves of fabric.

YouTube/ I'm Sharla Source: YouTube/ I'm Sharla

2. Fold Fabric #2

Choose one of the halves of Fabric #2 and fold it over 0.5cm

Thread your needle and start sewing a stitch all the way across the fold.

YouTube/ I'm Sharla Source: YouTube/ I'm Sharla

3. Repeat

Choose the other half of Fabric #2 and repeat the same stitch

Set these pieces aside

4. Fabric #1

Lay the 6x 9-inch Fabric #1 on a flat surface and place 5-inch elastic on top of the fabric

The elastic should touch the top right corner of the fabric and extend it out diagonally.

YouTube/ I'm Sharla Source: YouTube/ I'm Sharla

5. Placement

As soon as you have Fabric #1 set up

Grab one of the halves of Fabric #2 and place on the top where the elastic is diagonal on Fabric #1

Make sure both edges are cohesively together

YouTube/ I'm Sharla Source: YouTube/ I'm Sharla

6. Needle & Elastic

Grab the top right corner where the elastic is sandwiched between and pinch the elastic so it doesn’t move

Poke a needle into the fabrics and elastic so it’s secure and repeat that 2-3 more times

YouTube/ I'm Sharla Source: YouTube/ I'm Sharla

7. Stitches

Then sew a running stitch across the edge but leave room for the 2nd piece of elastic

8. Second Elastic

Place the 2nd elastic in the left-hand corner diagonally and finish sewing the elastic to the fabric

YouTube/ I'm Sharla Source: YouTube/ I'm Sharla

9. Sew The Sides

Take the needle to sew the two short edges of the fabric

Make sure to leave the long bottom piece unstitched

YouTube/ I'm Sharla Source: YouTube/ I'm Sharla

10. Other Half

Place the other half of Fabric #2 and place the stitch on top of the other piece of Fabric #2

YouTube/ I'm Sharla Source: YouTube/ I'm Sharla

11. Sew

Sew the short edge to the main piece of fabric

Then sew the long edge of the fabric just like we did to the original piece

12. Flip

The sewed fabric mask inside out

You’ll see a little pocket just like this

YouTube/ I'm Sharla Source: YouTube/ I'm Sharla

13. Fold

Now you will fold the mask like you would make a paper fan, about 1.2cm from the top

You’ll want to repeat this 2 more time so you have 3 folds

Use pins to hold in place

YouTube/ I'm Sharla Source: YouTube/ I'm Sharla


Then sew the sides of the now-folded fabric to create a final stitch

You’ve got yourself a mask!

Now, these masks are not guaranteed to stop you from getting the virus but it is the perfect precaution to use when around family, walking the dog, and especially the grocery store! It’s better than nothing that’s for sure. Watch the full DIY video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: HomeHacks, YouTube, I’m Sharla
