Doctor shares how to safely buy groceries while keeping your home bacteria- and disease-free

The global pandemic COVID19 has changed our lives drastically. As most of the world is entirely quarantined we are advised to stay in our homes and only to leave for an emergency situation. Those situations include grocery shopping and of course walking the dog.
If you’ve been to your neighborhood grocery store lately, you’ve noticed it’s a complete madhouse and the toilet paper isle is probably bare if not empty…

This incredibly sensitive time has transformed the way we shop but also the way we bring those groceries into our homes. Thankfully, Dr. Jeffrey VanWingen has created a YouTube video to help demonstrate the best way to bring those possibly contaminated groceries into our home. This is a video that saves lives and you won’t want to miss it!

Be Prepared
Dr. VanWingen informs viewers when they are going shopping to make a list of the necessary items. You don’t want to be grabbing items will-nilly just to put them back, maybe even spreading the virus yourself. You’ll want to disinfect the entire cart or basket not just where you think people’s hands go. Grocery stores usually have them placed in front of the store but just in case bring your own with you.

If You Can… Let The Groceries Sit
The National Institute of Health advises that we leave our groceries (if you have a garage or any dry space outside of your home) out for 3 days before bringing them inside. Even if you have those groceries delivered you have to make sure the delivery person leaves them outside your home. But, if it is dire to bring those foods and other products into the house there is a way to make sure we are not contaminating our homes. These tips will help reduce the risk of getting and spreading the virus.

Wash Your Hands
Before handling any of your groceries wash those hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water!

Sanitize Your Entire Counter Top Or Table
Before bringing those possibly infected items into your home you must create a game plan. Wherever you’re deciding to go through these groceries make sure it is a larger surface. Sanitize the entire surface with any that your groceries will be placed. Then you’re going to want to have one side of the counter to be your dirty side and the other half to be your sanitized. You’ll place all bags onto the dirty side of the counter and carefully go through to sanitize each individual item. Once completely sanitizing the item you will them onto the sanitized half of the counter.

Ditch The Unnecessary Packaging
Any unnecessary packaging, for example, a cereal box you can just open and place the plastic-wrapped bag into the sanitized area and throw that box away. No human hands have touched the inside of that box so you know it’s safe. Even a bag of chips can be thrown away, by putting the chips into a reusable container! Any fruits or vegetables should be soaked in soapy water and rinsed to get rid of any possible contaminates.

Stay Safe & Stay Healthy
Dr. VanWingen provides us with the knowledge we need in these trying times. Since he’s posted the video 2 weeks ago it’s had over 1 million viewers! To watch these life-saving tips please watch the video below.

Thank You Dr. VanWingen For These Helpful Tips!
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