Doctor offers advice on how to ensure groceries are bacteria and disease-free
Now more than ever, staying safe to protect ourselves and the people around us is essential. But this is certainly easier said than done.
Due to self-isolation rules, we’re spending prolonged periods of time at home, which scientists think might be negatively affecting our immune systems. And when we do go out, we’re at risk of catching COVID-19 from others even when we safely keep our distance – through purchasing grocery items that have been touched by those infected.
It’s pretty impossible to prevent the spread of the virus at the grocery store itself. Many people don’t show symptoms of COVID-19, so they may head out to the grocery store and do their shopping as usual, picking up and examining items along the way. And then somebody else – perhaps you – picks up the item and puts it into your trolley.
This is just one of the ways that COVID-19 can get into your home. But don’t panic! You don’t need to throw out all your fresh food just in case. Instead, follow this simple advice, offered by Dr. Jeffrey VanWingen, on how to protect yourself while shopping for groceries.
Here’s a step-by-step of what he said in his viral video:
Don’t bring your groceries straight inside
Dr. VanWingen’s first tip relates to the National Institute of Health’s advice that the COVID-19 virus can only survive for 3 days. He suggests leaving groceries in your car, in your garage or on your porch for three days. Obviously, it’s not feasible to leave some groceries outside your fridge or freezer for that long, and here’s where Dr. VanWingen’s next tips come in handy.
Imagine that your groceries are covered with glitter
It sounds crazy, but there’s a lot of sense to this. If you make it your goal to remove that glitter from anywhere it may have transferred – onto your hands, your face, and areas of your home – you’ll do a more thorough cleaning job with your soap. Sanitize your surfaces with a disinfectant before you place your groceries down.
Practice hygienic habits in the supermarket
Use an anti-septic wipe to clean your cart’s handle. Commit to the items you’re buying before you touch them, to help prevent the spread. Plan your shopping trip in advance, which will minimize your time spent in the store.
Wipe down your grocery items
When you bring your groceries home, place them onto one side of your disinfected counter. Then wipe the groceries down one-by-one, placing them onto the other side of your counter. Soak your fruits and vegetables in soapy water, in the same way that you would wash your own hands.
You can get rid of the outer cardboard packaging on any product that has sufficient inner packaging that hasn’t been touched in-store.
Speaking to Storyful, Dr. VanWingen explained his reason for creating the video, saying, “The more we can get the word out to get people practicing safe sanitary techniques and reduce exposure to the marketplace, the more we can save lives.”
Dr VanWingen’s tips may seem pretty obvious, but it never hurts to familiarize yourself with the advice offered by professionals during this difficult time. The more vigilantly we can work to reduce the risk of ourselves and our peers, the more quickly the virus will pass.
Watch the video below for Dr VanWingen’s full explanation of how to prevent the spread of Coronavirus at the supermarket.
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Source: YouTube/ NowThis News, ScienceAlert,