Sweet senior dog abandoned in woman’s yard with sad note tied around its neck

When you adopt a pet, you make a lifetime commitment to them.

It doesn’t matter if you later have kids, or move to a new city, or want to live in a place that doesn’t allow pets. You made a commitment and you need to follow through on that.

Sadly, some people don’t understand this.

This is the story of a poor 13-year-old dog named Reese who was abandoned by her owner. She was left in someone’s yard with only a note explaining that they had been abandoned.

A handwritten note was attached to Reese.

The note read:

“To You:

My name is Reese. I am 13-years-old and I do not like little kids. I love to chill. I hope whoever gets this [will] please take care of my dog. I love her so much, but I don’t have time for her. She likes soft food and she likes real food but I don’t give it to her cuz she throws up. She love all your time and love I wish I didn’t have to do this, but I have four kids and no time for her.” The note was signed, “Thanks, her mommy.”

Facebook - Royal Animal Refuge Source: Facebook - Royal Animal Refuge

Sadly, the owner of the property Reese was left on was unable to care for her.

So, she called a rescue.

The woman reached out to a group called the Royal Animal Refuge. The director for the organization’s shelter spoke to the media about their reaction to this situation.

Facebook - Royal Animal Refuge Source: Facebook - Royal Animal Refuge

“When we heard about it, obviously we were upset,” Mariel Weigand, shelter director for Royal Animal Refuge, told The Dodo. “But at the same time, we thought, ‘Maybe they just didn’t know what to do or who to turn to.’”

Facebook - Royal Animal Refuge Source: Facebook - Royal Animal Refuge

There are shelters that refuse surrenders.

This is done to discourage people from doing so.

Unfortunately, it can lead to situations such as this when heartless people don’t feel their pet is their responsibility.

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“One of our animal control facilities does not take surrenders, so it makes it very hard when you can’t find a rescue, and you don’t have anywhere to go,” Weigand said.

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A foster parent is found for Reese.

Royal Animal Refuge reached out to a veteran foster parent Robyn Klein to care for Reese while they looked for a forever home for her.

The woman’s mother had a dog recently pass away, however, and developed a connection with Reese.

Pexels -Anastasiya Lobanovskaya Source: Pexels -Anastasiya Lobanovskaya

“[Klein’s] mom is an older lady … and she just recently lost her baby [dog] a few months ago, so she stepped up to foster,” Weigand said. “Robyn said her mom is so in love with Reese already.”

Pexels - Ivan Babydov Source: Pexels - Ivan Babydov

The woman decided to offer Reese the forever home she needed and deserved.

“She’s very happy to give her a home,” Weigand said. “She told me she’s going to be loved. And it’s a happy ending for Reese.”

Reese is given the happy home she deserves.

Reese, like all dogs, deserves a home that will love and care for her. Not one that will abandon her when other responsibilities pop up. Thankfully, she has that now and no one will ever abandon her again.

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Source: Royal Animal Refuge – Facebook/Royal Animal Refuge – YouTube
