Dog keeps on barking at storm drain – Owner looks down and sees a newborn baby

Georgie the dachshund is a rescue dog. And she’s also a rescuer rescue dog. Thanks to her determination, a helpless infant was saved.

Years and years ago, Georgie was a puppy wandering around alone on the streets of Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

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Luckily, a rescue organization found her and took her in. After a short while, Charamine Keevy arrived at the shelter and took Georgie home for good.

Georgie grew to love her owner and her new home. But she would always remember being a puppy that was lost on the streets.

The dachshund grew into a happy dog, and everyone that she met was amazed at how friendly and caring she was. Charamine would explain that she had had a rough start, and they were even more amazed at her friendliness.

But one day, Georgie would have the chance to become a rescuer herself.

Georgie and Charamine were out on a walk when Georgie could sense that something was wrong. The dog ran up to a storm drain and kept on barking at it frantically.

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Charamine heard a noise coming from the storm drain. At first, she thought that it was a cat meowing. So she pulled on Georgie’s leash and told her to keep on walking.

But the dog was desperate to stay at the storm drain. Georgie was straining with all her might against the leash and whining for Charamine to look at the drain.

Eventually, Charamine relented and went to look at the source of the noise. She couldn’t believe what she found inside.

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Charamine realized that the noise wasn’t a cat’s meow at all. It was the cry of a newborn baby. The infant had been dumped into the drain, abandoned by someone unknown.

So Charamine started flagging down passing cars for help. One of the drivers, Cornie Viljoen, could see that she was desperate, so he stopped his car. When Charamine explained to Cornie what was happening, he couldn’t believe his ears. But he was able to act quick.

Cornie took a steel bar from the trunk of his car and pried open the concrete slab that was separating them from the baby. He then jumped into the drain and discovered how bad the baby’s condition was.

The drain was filled with ants. They started biting at Cornie, but he was determined to make it to the baby.

Cornie picked up the infant and carried her carefully to safety. He lifted her up to Charamine. Georgie relaxed, knowing that the baby had been rescued.

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Charamine called the ambulance as soon as she could. At the hospital, the doctors discovered that the baby had hypothermia and respiratory issues.

Luckily, the child was given incredible care and soon made a recovery. She is now in foster care.

Thanks to Georgie, the baby was able to be rescued just in time. The doctors said that if she had been in the storm drain any longer, then she might have succumbed to her hypothermia.

It’s awful to think that anyone could possibly do this to a child. But thankfully, dogs like Georgie and people like Charamine and Cornie show that there is still good in this world.

Hopefully, the baby will soon find an adoptive family that gives her the love that she deserves.

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Source: Daily Mail
