Dog refuses to stop barking at pregnant woman until she realizes she urgently needs help

Dogs and babies are possibly the cutest creatures on this earth. And dogs and babies together are even better. But even before that, dogs can be as excited as maternal as expecting parents are when their owners are pregnant.
Many dogs can sense when their owners are pregnant. As a result, they often become more affectionate and protective. One dog recently took that protectiveness to another level and possibly saved her owner’s life.
Keola is a special dog.

Keola is an American Akita who grew up in England with her owners, Alhanna and Ricky Butler.
They all shared a really special bond, and Keola was treated like a member of the family.
Part of Keola’s personality comes from the fact that she is an American Akita. These dogs are bred to be especially loyal, alert to danger, and highly intelligent.

Even Keola developed some maternal instincts.
Due to Keola’s intelligence and her special bond with her owners, she may have been especially primed to be aware of Alhanna’s changing body during her pregnancy. Keola noticed when something was not right, far sooner than her owners did, because she is a dog who is very attentive to her people.

Alhanna was having a difficult pregnancy.
It was her first pregnancy and she was doing everything she could to make it a healthy pregnancy. But despite the prenatal vitamins, the exercise, and the careful diet, something felt very wrong to her.

While even the healthiest of pregnancies will impact a woman’s body, her symptoms were above and beyond normal. Alhanna was feeling extreme tiredness and severe back pain. But when she talked to her doctor about it, her doctor was not concerned and told her it was normal in pregnancy to experience back pain, as all your body’s ligaments are loosening up to make delivery easier.
Howling dog.
Even though the doctor was not concern, Keola had a different opinion. When Alhanna returned from the doctor, Keola stared at her intensely, to the point that it made Alhanna uncomfortable. Absolutely nothing was going to stop Keola from keeping an eye on her beloved owner.

Keola’s behavior was pretty disturbing for Alhanna, and it only intensified. After the staring, Keola then began nudging Alhanna, then whimpering at her. When none of these worked, she began howling.
Emergency discovery.
Keola’s intensifying behavior made Alhanna return to the doctor. There, she and the doctor made a shocking discovery.

Once the doctor realized what was going on, Alhanna immediately was sent to the ICU. Turns out, she had a rare double kidney infection that had become life-threatening. If Alhanna had waited any longer, she might have died.
Keola saved Alhanna’s, and Baby Lincoln’s lives.

Alhanna was close to death, and Keola was not going to let that happen. Her actions and devotion to her owner’s health resulted in Alhanna’s life being saved. Because of Keola, Alhanna was able to have a safe and healthy delivery.

Today, Keola adores Alhanna’s baby, Lincoln. She cuddles with him often and is as loyal and attentive to him and she is to his mother. Keola’s bond with her owners and the love and communication they share is remarkable, and it even ended up being life-saving.
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Source: Akita Association of Ireland, American Kennel Club, Dog Breeds Expert, eternal lifestyle,