Dog's "boyfriend" shows up at her door late at night to deliver a gift

If you like adorable things, then the subreddit r/AWW is for you. It’s the official place on the web for “Things that make you go AWW! Like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on… A place for really cute pictures and videos!”

In early December of 2019, a user with the handle “u/casigene11” uploaded a video from her Ring doorbell camera showing the Golden Retriever next door waiting for a date with her black Lab.

Her dog, Holly, has been inseparable from her canine “boyfriend” Harry since the day they brought her home 7 years ago. Source:

And while we’re not sure why Harry is allowed to roam outside at 10:55 PM, we can’t argue that the video of him coming to visit Holly and give her a gift is beyond adorable.

“My pups boyfriend lives next door, and tonight at 10:55 he came for a date and to give her a present. My heart is so full right now ❤️ and now the ball goes everywhere with her,” casigene11 captioned the short security video.

When Holly heard him at the door, she began crying. The family wasn’t sure what was going on until they opened the door to find Harry with a ball he seemed to be gifting to Holly.

He had been waiting very patiently for someone to answer.

Screenshot via casigene11/Reddit Source: Screenshot via casigene11/Reddit

You can see his tail begin to wag faster and faster as things are happening inside and he anticipates the door opening.

Of course, the minute it opens, Holly comes bounding out – like a blur – to greet her paramour.

Screenshot via casigene11/Reddit Source: Screenshot via casigene11/Reddit

Holly is no stranger to Internet fame, it turns out. She has her own Instagram account and a sweet video from The Dodo documenting her love of collecting dollar bills and using them to pay for treats. Source:

In case you were wondering, Holly loved her ball and the two began playing with it immediately. And the relationship is quite serious as well – according to her owner, the two are even allowed to have sleepovers!

But for the most part, the two play together in the daytime. Harry’s nighttime visit was a surprise for everyone.

While some wondered if the whole thing was staged, Holly’s owner replied:

“Not staged at all lol my heart is so full! If you listen when my brother opens the door I’m in complete shock and I didn’t believe it.”

This is puppy love at its finest!

Screenshot via casigene11/Reddit Source: Screenshot via casigene11/Reddit

Hundreds of Redditors (if not more) are following the story and expect to see updates on this sweet relationship. The whole encounter had viewers in tears.

“You know that now we’re going to need regular updates. This is the most romantic thing I’ve seen this year,” said one.

All the puppy parents involved are happy to have Holly and Harry living next door to one another and while Redditors were concerned that the two dogs could be separated by a move someday, casigene11 replied “Never!” Source:

Meanwhile, humans are wondering where they can get a mate with such good manners.

“That dog has more manners than 98% of the guys I dated in my past. He’s so sweet, and patient, I love it!”

No word on the answer to that one yet.

Be sure to scroll down below to see the security camera footage that dog lovers are drooling over.

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My pups boyfriend lives next door, and tonight at 10:55 he came for a date and to give her a present. My heart is so full right now ❤️ and now the ball goes everywhere with her from r/aww

Source: casigene11 via Reddit,
