Brave dog chases mountain lion off family’s porch and they return the favor by rescuing him

Dogs are very protective of their pack, including the human families that they are a part of.

In one particular instance, a dog’s loyalty almost cost him his life. Fortunately, his family was there to save him and get him the care he needed to survive.

The family heard a commotion in the backyard

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It all happened a few days before Halloween. It was a normal night for Rocky, a pit bull, and his family. As the family sat enjoying their night, they heard a commotion from the backyard.

The family dogs were barking furiously at something that had encroached upon their territory. As Mary Padres went to check out what was going on, she got quite the surprise.

“I freaked out as soon as I saw it,” Mary told ABC7, “and I screamed ‘Mountain lion!'”

YouTube Screenshot – ABC7 Source: YouTube Screenshot – ABC7

That was when Rocky sprang into action. He chased after the mountain lion as it ran away.

“And so Rocky ran up the hill and was gone,” Claudio, Padres’ husband, said. “We tried to call him back, but he wasn’t’ responding. We couldn’t find him.”

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LA Verne, California, where the family lives, is near the Santa Monica Mountain range, a natural habitat for the big cats.

The one that invaded the Padres’ backyard was easily three times the size of Rocky, who had chased it away.

Rocky almost paid for his bravery with his life

YouTube Screenshot – ABC7 Source: YouTube Screenshot – ABC7

The Padres believe the mountain lion was the same one recorded on security camera footage at a nearby home.

The problem now was that Rocky was missing.

So, the family deiced to brave the darkness and go looking for him.

YouTube Screenshot – ABC7 Source: YouTube Screenshot – ABC7

As they approached where they thought Rocky might be, Claudio and Mary could hear the mountain lion in the bushes.

They were determined to find Rocky, though, and so forged ahead. They were able to find Rocky, who was badly injured, and carried him home.

Rocky was found and taken to get treated for his wounds

LA Times Source: LA Times

“He had blood all over him and bite marks,” Claudio said. “The mountain lion basically dragged him by the head. He had a lot of bite marks on the head and the throat.”

Rocky’s injuries were pretty severe. One of the bite marks on his skull was so deep that his brain was visible. In all, Rocky had eight large puncture wounds, requiring 30 stitches.

YouTube Screenshot – ABC7 Source: YouTube Screenshot – ABC7

Amazingly, Rocky was expected to be okay.

As for the mountain lion, police are working with California Fish and Wildlife to determine if the large cat poses a further threat to the neighborhood.

FOX 5 Source: FOX 5

The Padres are just happy Rocky is okay and want to share their story with others to highlight pet safety, especially in areas with large predators, such as mountain lions.

You can catch more of Rocky and his heroics in the video below!

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Sources: YouTube – ABC7, Local 12, FOX 5
