Dog gets to choose a kitten from the shelter to take home

eEveryone needs a family, and sometimes the best family members are the ones that you choose. Adopting a pet is always what people recommend over buying one. Instead of

Meet Raven, the Tamaskan Husky responsible for expanding this family from Texas.

Raven belongs to Christina and her husband Vincent. The Texas couple are a happy family of 6 now, but it wasn’t always like this.

For the longest time, it was just Christina, Vincent, and their dog Raven.

A family of three is already family enough, but more members can’t hurt.

Raven needed a friend. Someone to keep her company when Christina and Vincent couldn’t bring her along to places.

This wasn’t as simple as it sounded. Getting your dog to warm up to and get along with a new person is always a gamble.

So they decided to trust Raven on this one. They would go to a shelter to adopt a new friend, preferably one that Raven would trust easily.

Their search took them to a shelter in Lubbock, where they introduced many of the kittens there to Raven.

You know, to see if she’d “click” with any of them.

About 4 kittens in total had a little interactions with Raven, and she wasn’t exactly crazy for any of them.

At least they knew Raven was gentle around cats.

But there was one kitten that Raven seemed to like. A special one named Woodhouse.

After seeing that they liked each other, the family brought home the kitten. Woodhouse was now a part of their family, and became Raven’s best friend.

“They are perfect with each other. They don’t cuddle as much as they used to when they were a puppy and kitten. But they’re still always together, always playing together.” – Christina said when interviewed by The Dodo

Christina has the photos to prove it too.

The pair spends every day together. Who would’ve guessed that they’d be this inseparable?

Woodhouse is a perfect match for Raven’s energy. The cat isn’t bothered at all by the energetic, playful dog – something that can’t be said for most cats.

Every holiday they spend, they spend it together. They’re there for all the trick or treating, Thanksgiving turkey, or even Christmas morning. These two furballs are a match made in heaven, and it was all due to a fateful meeting at that shelter.

Christina and Vincent have two more little ones now – human ones this time.

So Raven and Woodhouse have a lot of company to share the love with.

Sounds like an adorable household if you ask me.

Raven even proves that she’s gentle enough to share a resting spot with the babies.

And when she’s not doing that, she’s chilling next to her best friend. A cat like Woodhouse sure is a blessing to have for Raven, but the dog’s gentleness and kind nature made it possible too.

I mean, just look at the photos and let them speak for themselves!

See more of the two over on Instagram. Something this cute is better when you share it, so please give this article a share!

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Source: @raven_and_woodhouse on Instagram, The Dodo
