Dog surprises owner by coughing up wedding ring that was missing for 5 years

Dogs eat the darndest things, including grass, any food you place in front of them, and their own feces. Ewwww! Dogs sometimes even eat foreign objects, such as toys, articles of clothing, and a whole slew of other items.

A Wisconsin woman was recently shocked to recover a wedding ring her dog had eaten five years before. And it all started with him choking on a Popsicle.

Lois Matykowski’s wedding ring comes up missing

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Lois Matykowski lost her ring five years before. She had gotten the ring as a way to commemorate her 20-year marriage. She was devastated after she looked everywhere and couldn’t find it. It was as if the ring had disappeared into thin air.

“We had just upgraded the ring, and it wasn’t insured,” Matykowski told ABC News. “And it wasn’t just the value, but also the emotional ties. How do you replace that?”


She thought maybe her dog had eaten it

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Then she had a thought: There was a chance her dog was the guilty culprit. Her Rottweiler mix, Tucker, a rescue from the Wisconsin Humane Society, was a known food burglar around the household. So, maybe the five-year-old dog had eaten it.


She spent the next few days checking his poop to see if she could find it, but after no success, she had to learn to live with the fact she had lost the ring forever.

Tucker chokes on a Popsicle

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Jump ahead five years and the now 10-year-old Tucker was in the yard eating Popsicles with Matykowski’s granddaughters. While she wasn’t looking, Tucker wolfed down an entire Popsicle, stick and all. After he started panting, Matykowski gave him some bread smeared with Vaseline, which seemed to help.


Matykowski thought nothing else of it until a few days later when Tucker started making choking sounds. She assumed it was the Popsicle stick he had eaten days earlier.

Thinking quickly, she called her vet who advised her to get Tucker to throw the Popsicle stick back up. Following the vet’s advice, Matykowski was eventually able to get Tucker to cough up the offending object.

Matykowski was right all along

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It was while cleaning up his vomit that Matykowski made a surprising discovery. Within the vomit was the wedding ring she had lost all of those years ago. It seemed that Tucker had swallowed it.

The Popsicle stick may have helped work the ring lose from wherever it was lodged so that it could come out.

Matykowski has Tucker scanned for more items

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Cleaning the ring up, she was happy to see that it looked just like new.

To make sure Tucker hadn’t eaten any other rogue objects, Matykowski had Tucker’s belly scanned. Luckily, nothing else was found.

Watch the video below for more on Matykowski’s lost wedding ring and how she was able to recover it after five years with the help of her dog, Tucker.

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Source: Local 12

H/T: ABC News, I Love My Dog So Much
