Guy shares touching story of pooch’s ‘double life’ as a therapy dog for senior

Leading a double life is difficult, but one dog is doing it for a good cause. Prepare for your heart to melt.

Instagram - @heath.leisure Source: Instagram - @heath.leisure

Meet Jade, a 35-pound Australian Shepherd Shiba Inu mix, a loyal dog to his owner in the early morning and late evenings. However, she leads another life in between those times and happily serves as a therapy dog for an elderly woman.

Jade was only eight weeks old when Heath got her. They have been inseparable since then and the dog does not know anybody as close to her as Heath.

One day, Heath’s girlfriend saw a person who could benefit a lot by having Jade as her therapy dog.

Jade is now more than a year old. She is used to having days filled with Heath’s love and her loyalty to him. But the man’s girlfriend realized that all the love Jade has can also be of help to another human in need of it.

“My girlfriend manages a home health care place. For as long as I’ve known her, she has been visiting a client that she’s grown fond of and cooks her breakfast and dinner. Sometime within the past year, this old woman’s dog died on the anniversary of her husband’s death. It obviously wrecked her,” Heath wrote on Reddit.

Heath was willing to let Jade be the elderly woman’s therapy dog. And when she saw the pup, the woman was quite happy to have found a new friend in Jade.

It turned out that the dog also shared the same feelings. She loved to be around Mrs. Riddle so much.

“Jade has gone both morning and night every day since. Apparently Jade recognizes that she’s old and fragile and is deliberately gentle. She and Jade eat breakfast and dinner together. She bought Jade what sounds like a mountain of toys. When we say, ‘Jade, wanna go to Mrs. Riddle’s house?’ she jumps and squeals and zoomies about,” Heath wrote.

From 8 AM until 4 PM, the dog stays in Mrs. Riddle’s house.

It’s like she had now found her own full-time job. She has always been rewarded with a lot of hugs and love and her job is absolutely fulfilling. Heath is also glad that Jade is able to make another person’s life happier.

Spending time with Mrs. Riddle is also much better than the dog having to spend the entire day at home alone and without Heath because the man has work.

“The client said something to the effect of her life has meaning again,” Heath said. “My sweetheart spends so much time away from me, essentially being a therapy dog for someone I do not know, and I find that awesome.”

Heath gladly shared this incredible story thru his Reddit account.

The post received a lot of positive feedback and comments. People online are glad that Heath decided to share his dog’s time with another person who needs Jade’s love.

Sharing is caring after all, and what is the best gift you can give to another other than your time and affection, right? Jade and Heath gifted this to Mrs. Riddle, and their selfless act is appreciated by people online.

Check out Heath’s original post below!

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Source: Reddit, Instagram – Heath Leisure
