Dog breaks out of her kennel for the sweetest reason

Dogs are one of the most loving animals you can meet. They show love, care, and adoration for the people and animals around them. They even go out of their way to make someone feel better.
For one, there are dogs who serve as a guide for a blind person. Other dogs serve as a help for people who battle with mental health while others serve as police aid in detecting prohibited products. Dogs are truly awesome animals.
It’s not a surprise why dogs are considered a man’s best friend.

Dogs are also loving creatures to their fellow dogs, especially mothers. Mother dogs have a natural instinct in them to protect and care for their young. They would do anything for their kids the same way we do with our babies.
They can also care for other pups even those that are not their own.

You may notice that when a puppy is in distress, a maternal dog will come to it and relieve its sadness. Dogs would care for puppies without a second thought. It is natural for them to care for the young.
That’s why one maternal dog broke out of its cage to care for the distressed puppies.
Maggie was a maternal dog who was temporarily sheltered at Barker’s Pet Motel and Grooming. She had a litter of pups upon entering, but they were all adopted in just a few weeks. Maggie was left alone to find a new home without her pups.

“We think that’s why she got so attached to the puppies,” Alex Aldred said in an interview with ABC News.
One day, two nine-week-old puppies arrived.

These puppies were having a rough night. They couldn’t sleep on their first night at the shelter, so they started crying. Overcome with emotion, Maggie did any mother would do.
She broke free of her kennel and moved to the puppies’ kennel to comfort them.

“We left work and then we were watching the surveillance cameras while we were out and we saw Maggie was sitting in front of the puppies’ kennels,” Alfred continued.
Maggie wanted to alleviate the cries of the puppies, so she decided to cuddle with them. The physical contact helped in easing the cries of the puppies. It’s similar to a mother’s hug where a simple gesture or words can make the bad memories or experiences fade away.
At first, Maggie stayed with them outside of their kennel.
Eventually, Sandy who is Aldred’s went inside to check in on them. When they arrived, Maggie perked up and started gesturing to them to let her inside the puppies’ kennel.
“She kind of directed Sandy to the puppies’ kennel so Sandy let her in and she was being really affectionate,” Aldred continued “Sandy stayed in there for about 15 minutes and then said, ‘Well it looks like they need each other,’ and then let Maggie stay the night in their kennel.”
When they came back in the morning, they were still huddled together.

“We’ve never really seen it before, where a dog sneaks out to some puppies and is so excited to see them.”
Based on Deanna Thompson, the person who rescued the puppies, Maggie’s reaction was only natural since she recently lost her puppies.

“It’s innate in a lot of female dogs, especially if they’ve had a litter in the past. It’s just in their nature.” Thompson said in an interview with ABC News.
Aldred posted the picture of Maggie cuddled with the puppies and it became viral. In just a few days, the puppies and Maggie were adopted. From the simple act of caring for the young, it showed many people that a mother’s love is incomparable.

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