Dramatic dog hilariously plays dead to avoid leaving the park

Most dogs love going to the park. It allows them to get out and stretch their legs while also getting some much-needed sun and fresh air. In many cases, after a walk, run, or play session, many dogs know it is time to go home. But not Vincent.
A golden retriever, Vincent has come up with an ingenious way to stay at the park, at least for a little bit longer.
A strange scene at the park

While out at a park in Queensland, Australia, Nicola Booth came across a strange scene. A man was standing over his dog, the aforementioned Vincent, who was belly up in the middle of the path.
Booth started to film as a crowd gathered around. The man, meanwhile, continued to try and get his dog to move. It was no use, and he finally gave up and walked away.
The battle of wills continues

What followed was a battle of wills between man and animal. Vincent continued to keep the act up, but got up briefly and came at his owner’s call, but not for long. Grabbing Vincent’s leash, the man went to leave once again.
Just as before, Vincent collapsed to the ground, feigning his death. It was obvious that he didn’t want to leave the park just yet.
Vincent is a pro at playing dead

Vincent was such a good actor. He laid there staring blankly as his owner continued to try and get him to move. Even when his owner offered him a treat, the dog refused to move.
Determined to stay at the park, he continued to lay lifeless on the ground. But, as soon as his owner’s back was turned, Vincent jumped up once again.
Vincent is a polite dog

Vincent does take time out to say hi to a passing dog. Then he is back to his old tricks, falling to the ground in an attempt to not have to leave the park. Vincent and his owner continue back and forth like this until finally Vincent’s owner decides to offer the dog a snack from a nearby eatery.
Of course, as his owner offers him some ice cream, Vincent hops up right away to run over.
Posting the video of the incident on Facebook

Booth posted the video to her Facebook page where it got over 1.8 million views and 34,000 likes. She also had this to say about her chance encounter:
“Next time you get irritated by your dog for being too slow on their walk, spare a thought for this dog owner I met this morning.”
Chances were that Vincent’s owner was in on the act and used it as a way to entertain the crowd. Vincent loved to play along and was good at playing dead, at least until free ice cream was involved.
You can watch the video of Vincent’s hilarious act below.
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