Dog offers baby brother his favorite toy whenever he hears him cry

Introducing a baby into a home with a family pet can be a challenging proposition. Your pet will have to learn how to deal with all of the different sights, sounds, and smells that any child introduces to the home environment. Not only that, but the routine of your family pet will probably change as a result of the addition of the new baby. Fortunately, for one California, their dog took a new baby in stride.

Brutus is the couple’s first baby

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Bonnie Michalek and her husband got Brutus in 2016. A bullmastiff, Brutus will always be the Michalek’s first baby. When Michalek became pregnant she said she had no concerns about Brutus adjusting to the addition to a child in the home.

“He’s always loved kids,” Michalek told The Dodo. “Every time he’s heard kids outside laughing, he gets excited.”

Brutus knew Michalek was pregnant before she did

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And, if you would believe it, Michalek feels that Brutus knew she was pregnant before even she and her husband did.

“Brutus knew I was pregnant before I did — he definitely sensed it before I knew,” Michalek said. “On the nights my husband was working Brutus refused to be in his crate.”

Michalek even adjusted his crate to try and give the dog more room, but he refused. He simply wanted to be near her and looking back, Michalek could see that he was just trying to protect her.

The Michaleks prepared Brutus as best they could for the baby

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Michalek and her husband sought to include Brutus in the changes that a baby brings to a home. But first, while little Kayden was being born, the Michaleks took Brutus to stay with her parents. As they went to pick him up afterward, Michalek knew that Brutus would probably want some alone time with her.

“I made sure to pay some attention to him,” Michalek said. Then she let Brutus come in and meet the baby. “Brutus completely bypassed my husband to meet Kayden. He immediately wanted to give him kisses and snuggle up to him.”

Brutus and Kayden were instant friends

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Since that first meeting, Brutus has been a steadfast companion by baby Kayden’s side. So, when he hears him cry, he rushes to help and console him. Michalek was surprised the first time he did this as the first thing Brutus grabbed was his favorite toy, a yellow fluffball.

“He grabs his favorite toy to bring it to Kayden to console him!” Michalek said.

Brutus brought Kayden his favorite toy when he cried

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Brutus’ fluffball is one of the only toys that Brutus did not tear apart within five minutes of getting it. Michalek figures the toy makes Brutus feel good. Maybe that is why he brings it to Kayden when he cries? He figures if it makes him feel better it should make Kayden feel better too.

The best of friends

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Even years later, Brutus and Kayden are still the best of friends. And can you blame Kayden, Brutus loves him so much that he lets him play with his favorite toy. In the video below, Brutus is checking out his new baby brother, Kayden.

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Source: Instagram/Captainbrutus

H/T: We Love Animals
