Enthusiastic pup wonders why man won’t play fetch

The endless excitement of dogs is something humans will never understand. Their ability to play fetch for hours or offer their unconditional love is baffling. And dogs will love almost anyone. Take Chester for example; who never met anyone he didn’t like, until this man refused to play with him.


Chester and his family, his siblings and owners, were out for a walk when they came upon a wooden statue alongside the trail. Everyone but Chester seemed to understand that the “man” was not actually a man, and was not going to be getting up to greet them. The group carried on until they realized they were missing one pup. “We had already passed the statue, then realized Chester wasn’t with us.” said his owner Debby in an interview. “We looked back and there he was.” Confused the group made their way back to Chester to see what he had found.


The pup had gone and fetched a tree branch and placed it at the statue’s feet, and now was waiting expectantly for the man to throw the stick for him. The statue however, was not interested in Chester’s game and despite all of the dogs enthusiasm, the man never budged. Thank goodness someone was taping the whole encounter so that the rest of us could enjoy.

While Chester was so confused at why his new friend wouldn’t play with him, his family was getting a kick out of the whole scene.”We were in hysterics.” said his owners. “We call him Mr. Sociable. He will do that to anybody, and has been known to accost people for ages if he thinks they will throw a ball or a stick for him.” Though it seems like he isn’t going to give up, Chester would be waiting quite a while for this new friend to pick up that stick if he continued to wait. Chester is so determined it makes you wish that statue did have the ability to get up and play fetch!


There have been similar stories to Chester’s in the past but nothing as cute as this. Chester’s video has been shared over 200 times and has gained a lot of attention from sympathetic viewers wishing they could throw that stick for him. One viewer was even wondering if Chester had an Instagram account so that they could more of the cute pup. Some are hoping that this one instance of someone denying him fetch doesn’t dampen the dog’s spirit for future encounters. Chester seems like the kind of dog who is going to let one person take away his excitement for a game of fetch.

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Source: thedodo.com
