Husky experiences freedom for in giant field for the first time in his life

When the pandemic hit in early 2020, our lives changed drastically.

To protect us from sickness, governments around the world issued their own versions of stay-at-home orders. Then, all of a sudden, we only existed within the four walls of our rooms.

Pexels - Vladimir Kudinov Source: Pexels - Vladimir Kudinov

Imagine being on lockdown since you were born. You have no crime nor are stuck on an isolated island. You know that there’s life out there beyond the walls. You just couldn’t get there because you’re not allowed to go outside. Difficult?

This is how leashed or caged dogs feel daily.

It’s difficult to even imagine being imprisoned without going to jail. And yet, some humans, those who are incapable of taking care of dogs, either cage their dogs or tie them to a tree.

YouTube Screenshot - Rumble Viral Source: YouTube Screenshot - Rumble Viral

Day and night, these dogs had to endure these isolated conditions. We may not notice how time goes by for these dogs. And you can just imagine how much of their lives are wasted away.

A YouTube channel shared a video of a dog getting unleashed for the first time.

In the video, Biscuit, who’s probably a mixed Siberian husky or an Alaskan malamute, is being led into a fenced area.

YouTube Screenshot - Rumble Viral Source: YouTube Screenshot - Rumble Viral

The person handling him carefully led him into a gate and by the way Biscuit squirmed and lunged, we all know that he was excited as heck. Who wouldn’t be, when all your life, the world that you knew was the radius the leash afforded?

The moment Biscuit walked into the enclosure alone, the idea of being free slowly sunk in.

Wherever his feet took him, there wasn’t any leash that tugged back or told him to stop. When he realized that, he turned his curious walk into a canter.

YouTube Screenshot - Rumble Viral Source: YouTube Screenshot - Rumble Viral

Then, when no one was still stopping him, Biscuit finally let go and jumps into the great green yonder. He sprinted to where the fences would take him, and he smelled every tree, pole, and mound.

When he was done on one side, he sprinted to another.

You can feel his curious joy even if you’re just watching him from afar. It was a life he deserved from the beginning. And while it took him a while to get there, the important thing was he was experiencing all of this in his prime.

YouTube Screenshot - Rumble Viral Source: YouTube Screenshot - Rumble Viral

We hope that for the rest of his life, there are only leashes for walks. Beyond that, it’s just freedom to feel the grass on his paws, the wind against his fur, and the sensations of the world on his body.

According to the Humane Society, tethering dogs pose serious risks.

For one, it is unhealthy for dogs as they are forced to sit and lie down on their own feces and urine.

YouTube Screenshot - Rumble Viral Source: YouTube Screenshot - Rumble Viral

They also can’t seek the best shelter when the weather turns for the worse. And as social animals that need interaction with humans, it can affect them psychologically and physically.

YouTube Screenshot - Rumble Viral Source: YouTube Screenshot - Rumble Viral

Tethered dogs are often aggressive because when faced with danger, the choice of “flight” is unavailable.

Pexels - Julissa Helmuth Source: Pexels - Julissa Helmuth

They naturally turn to the other response, which is “fight”. Hopefully, more people realize the responsibilities dog ownership entails so that they’d be ready when they get their dog.

Watch how this dog reacted when it was set free for the first time.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – Rumble Viral, Humane Society
