Dog melts hearts with adorable kiss to dad on camera while he’s away from home

Don’t you wish you could call or text your dog?

We seem to be very far away from teaching our pets how to use smartphones but in the meantime, the Ring Indoor Cam’s 2-way talk function is giving some humans and their dogs the chance to interact while in different places.

Bella is a 6-month-old mini Goldendoodle.

She is just figuring out how the world works. She most recently learned that sometimes she can hear her human dad’s voice even though he is not physically in the room.

YouTube - Ring Source: YouTube - Ring

“Bella? Bella, where are you?”

In a video posted to Ring’s YouTube channel, Scott can be heard talking to Bella through the 2-way talk function.

He calls out to her and Bella comes running, most likely expecting to see Scott somewhere nearby.

Scott wasn’t nearby, however, he was away but wanted to let his little girl know he’d be home soon.

YouTube - Ring Source: YouTube - Ring

“Are you getting into trouble?” Scott asks through the Ring Cam.

“I’ll be home in a little bit,” he reassures her.

YouTube - Ring Source: YouTube - Ring

Bella can’t find Scott.

Bella must have been so confused. She could hear Scott, but she couldn’t see him or smell him. She moved around the living room trying to figure out where her owner could be.

She eventually found the camera and sniffed around to determine how Scott’s voice was coming out from it.

YouTube - Ring Source: YouTube - Ring

“I thought it was pretty cute how she was looking for me and then found the camera I was speaking to her from,” Scott says.

YouTube - Ring Source: YouTube - Ring

What’s going through Bella’s mind?

We are left only to wonder what could have possibly been going on inside Bella’s mind at the time. At only 6 months of age, she’s not sure of much but she knows her owner’s voice.

She also knows her owner’s scent and can’t find that around at all. It must have been very confusing for her to process all of this information.

Perhaps she thought that Scott was somehow behind the camera, or had, in fact, become the camera!

“Hi Bella, hi cutie…you’re such a good girl.” – Scott

YouTube - Ring Source: YouTube - Ring

Bella gives the camera a big smooch.

By far the most adorable part of the video is when Bella goes mouth and nose-first into the camera as if she is giving it a big smooch.

She treats the camera like it’s Scott himself and she just can’t help herself from cozying up for a big cuddle with him.

Bella will have to wait, however, as Scott isn’t home just yet.

YouTube - Ring Source: YouTube - Ring

People fall in love with Bella’s adorable reaction.

The video has now been viewed 1.6 million times. Many people who have seen the video left a comment as well.

“What a sweetheart. I wouldn’t get anything done because I would be talking to my dog all day long.” – Ann S.

“I usually hate technology, but this is a blessing especially if you have dogs who suffer from separation anxiety. Thank you for letting me in your home. So sweet!” – urmedusa

YouTube - Ring Source: YouTube - Ring

“Not gonna lie, I’ve watched this video 20 times already. My favorite part is when she licks the camera! She’s so cute!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍” – SmileeBandit

“She looked like “Well I can’t smell him, but that’s definitely my dad” – Mel Leaux

Watch Bella smooch her dad in the video below!

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Source: YouTube – Ring/Flickr
