Dog gives birth to 3 puppies then owner rushes her to vet where she breaks birthing record

Human mommas may shudder to read this story! An incredible record was recently broken by a Neapolitan Mastiff named Shadow!

Living in Australia, Shadow the Mastiff broke a record that most moms don’t want to break!

Pexels Source: Pexels

The average litter of puppies tops out around 8-10 in number. Since the puppies are so little, dog mommas are able to carry more of them at a time! With the average litter of 6-10, Shadows owners weren’t expecting this incredible miracle.

The record litter size for a dog was 19 – until Shadow broke it.

Coming in with a whopping 21 puppies, the previous record was broken by two! This is one incredible feat that earned Shadow some well-deserved rest.

Giving birth at home, the first three puppies came out fine.

AKC Source: AKC

Typically, dog births are pretty simple. Human births have some inherent risk because of how big our heads are, but dogs don’t have that problem. After the initial three pups came out, the family was waiting for the rest.

After a few hours of waiting, her owner got nervous and divided to take her to the vet.

Rushing the momma in labor to the vet, they got there in the nick of time. The reason that Shadow was struggling to give birth was because she had 18 other pups in her! Sadly, one puppy died because of the time that Shadow spent at home struggling.

Once they got to the hospital, they started to do some scans to get a better look.

Wanting to get a better look and see if there were any complications, the vet took some scans to check in her tummy.

“We took radiographs straight after Shadow’s arrival to see if any more puppies were on the way and made the amazing discovery of 10 plus puppies inside,” Dr. Patrycja Zimmermann said in the post. “We quickly checked the fetal heartbeats, and were praying for the best outcome for her.”

Knowing there were more on the way, the team assembled to help perform an emergency C-section.

Pexels Source: Pexels

Needing a total of 10 vets to help with the operation, this dog was in some good hands! The operation continued, puppy and puppy getting pulled out.

After everything was said and done, Shadow had 18 new babies.

At the end of the operation, 18 of the 21 puppies survived. While it is unfortunate the three puppies didn’t make it, the rest are happy and healthy. Getting a photo of 18 puppies sleeping in a cardboard box shows how this one doggy family exploded!

The Facebook video shows little containers of squirming puppies.

Facebook Source: Facebook

Animal Emergency Service posted the photo and said:

The Australian record for the number of puppies born in a litter has been broken!
Shadow the Neapolitan Mastiff gave birth to 21 puppies at our Underwood hospital on Monday. We feel so humbled to be a part of Shadow’s birthing, but won’t be able to provide information on adopting the pups.

Shadow may need to get a second job to keep up with this many mouths to feed!

Facebook Source: Facebook

Reports say that she will be working as a waitress, hoping to earn tips to help support her new family! Regardless, she is sure to be a great mom and some people are going to be super happy to have so many pups to pick from!

Check out the video below!

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Source: Animal Channel, Facebook
