Dog grabs toddler by her diaper – Parents are mortified, until they realize the dog saved her

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Some things look terrible out of context. When owners of this dog saw him grabbing their daughter, they thought that he had suddenly turned aggressive. In reality, he was rushing to protect her.

When parents bring a dog into the family, there’s always a slight worry that the dog will not get along with their children.

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After all, how much can you really tell about a dog before you adopt them into your home?

The Svilicic family went to the shelter to adopt a dog, and their hearts went out to a sad-looking Doberman named Khan.

David Scott/Facebook Source: David Scott/Facebook

He was a big animal, and the parents were worried about how he would react around their toddler, Charlotte. But the shelter volunteers assured the family that Khan was great around kids and would show no aggression.

They carefully tested this out, slowly allowing Khan to play with Charlotte. The dog and the girl were getting along incredibly well. So the family decided to adopt Khan permanently.

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At first, everything was going fine at home. But then one day, Charlotte’s mother saw something that horrified her.

Charlotte and Khan had been playing in the yard. But suddenly the dog started barking aggressively. The girl was confused and screamed as the dog started pushing her.

Charlotte tried running in the opposite direction that Khan was pushing her towards. But then the dog grabbed Charlotte’s diaper in his mouth and threw her in the opposite direction.

Charlotte’s mom ran outside as fast as she could, desperate to defend Charlotte from the now angry dog. But when she got outside, she realized what was really happening.

Khan was no longer facing the crying toddler. Instead, he was snarling at a poisonous snake that was on the patio.

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The snake was hissing back. Clearly, the snake had been sneaking up on the toddler, and the dog, seeing and sensing the danger, had done what he could to protect his newest and littlest family member.

The snake pounced and bit Khan. The dog was able to swipe the snake away, but the reptile had enough time to sink its teeth into the dog, sending venom into his blood.

David Lawson/Facebook Source: David Lawson/Facebook

Charlotte’s mom picked up Charlotte and Khan and took them indoors. Charlotte was unhurt. Her crying was merely out of shock. But Khan was getting ill.

So Charlotte’s mom rushed the dog to the vet. Luckily, the vet was able to administer antivenom in time. Khan slowly made a full recovery.

Freedom Life/Facebook Source: Freedom Life/Facebook

What was really amazing was the fact that Khan was still a new arrival at the home. He had only just met Charlotte, but he knew that he had a duty to protect her.

The family was now certain that they had made the right decision in adopting Khan.

This dog had potentially saved their daughter’s life. This act showed them that they would never have to worry about Khan’s behavior again.

Charlotte especially loves Khan. The two have quickly become best friends. The Svilicics are sure to spoil this amazing dog. After all, they have a lot to thank him for!

Allen Evans/Facebook Source: Allen Evans/Facebook

Of course, Khan is a protective and loving animal. He would never do anything to harm a child.

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Source: celeb902
