Meteorologist’s attention-seeking dog is a hilarious work-from-home interruption

Paul Dellegatto is a dog owner and the chief meteorologist for FOX 13 News in Tampa Bay.

Forced to broadcast from home during the coronavirus lockdown, he faced some distractions that will look familiar to anyone trying to do their jobs outside the office – except his were televised, much to the amusement of his viewers.

Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube

To be fair, Dellegatto’s dog Brody doesn’t understand work – or concentration – or the weather for that matter. All he knows is that dad is talking to a screen when he could be paying attention to him instead.

Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube

No dog owner was surprised when Brody climbed up on his dad’s lap and immediately ruined the tech setup by whacking his head on the computer and disabling Dellegatto’s ability to show viewers the weather maps he was referring to.

“The maps aren’t going to move because he just whacked the computer with his head. Let me just verbalize the forecast,” he said before telling Brody “That wasn’t very smart.”

Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube

But the pup is impervious to the impatience in his dad’s voice. And while it’s clear Dellegatto just wants to get through the segment, he’s not willing to reject his dog too much in order to do it.

Letting Brody stand up on his lap, he gives the pup the side-eye when he yawns. (Hey, the dog is probably thinking that the forecast is wrong most of the time anyway, so why bother?)

“I didn’t mean to keep you up, buddy,” Dellegetto joked.

Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube

Then we get to the real reason Brody is interrupting (besides the fact that he’s a friendly, playful Golden Retriever) – it’s dinner time!

“We’re going to eat after this” dad promises, trying to remove the furry interloper from his lap for a moment.

Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube

One commenter hit the nail on the head:

“Brody looks like he cannot figure out who his dad is talking to, and why he is moving his hands. And really, what could be more important than feeding Brody?”

But Brody is now curious about what’s going on in the rest of the room and that turns out to be an even bigger impediment to recording the segment.

“Oh boy,” Dellegatto said, knowing what the dog has spotted. “He’s jumping up trying to find Craig outside the window. He likes Craig. So, Craig is hidden on the outside, he’s on the porch and he’s got a kind of a blanket up so the reflection doesn’t get into my room here, and now we can’t see Craig so he’s going crazy trying to find Craig behind the blanket.”

Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube

The jig’s up, Craig!

Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube

While no one involved in the weather forecast that day was having a good time (except Brody!), the audience and news anchors alike enjoyed everything about it.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, Paul, but this is amazing and great,” anchor Linda Hurtado said.

Dellegatto begs to differ because he knows Brody is not going to sit still and the pup has once again returned to him, setting his face down on the laptop he’s working with.

There’s no salvaging this segment so he throws it back to the studio, promising to return at 4:45 pm with the rest of the forecast along with the promised graphics.

Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Fox 13 News - Tampa Bay/YouTube

And we imagine he locked Brody out of the room the second time around.

Be sure to scroll down below to catch the hilarious segment that has now been viewed over 2.2 million times in just over 2 weeks!

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Source: Fox 13 News- Tampa Bay via YouTube, Today, Facebook
